
Date of Birth in Yahoo Profile is hidden?

by  |  earlier

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How do I get my date of birth to show in my Yahoo profile? I'm being rejected from joining Yahoo! groups w/ age restrictions because they can't view my dob in my profile. Next to "dob" in my profile it just shows "on file".




  1. your DOB has nothing to do with your profile, but your Yahoo account, and you cannot edit this nor does it ever show on a profile due to privacy.. you can add it to the profile, where it says age, but you can only add your age

    some groups require this which is rather silly, since you can add any age you want.

  2. You can't show your date of birth.  You can put your age on your profile, though.  Go here and click edit for the profile that you want to edit.  Then click edit profile information.  Add your age and anything else you want to add and then save changes.

  3. 18th august 1978

  4. u cn't

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