
Date of birth?

by  |  earlier

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well, is there any kind of method that can be used to determine the exact day that an alive life form was brought to the face of the earth. i know that my cats are 6 and my dog is 2, and ive gotten ranges from vets. they believe one cat was born in july/august of 2001, one cat was born in september/october of 2001, and the dog was born in march/april of 2006. but i would like to know their birthdays, if possible. does anyone have any ideas on this?




  1. No. Sorry. Just pick a birthday for them :)

  2. If you got them from rescue centers or place like that then your probly not gonna find out unless they were born there. When I got my first rabbits me and my brother just picked days in the month most suited for our schedule for there birthdays. I suggest you do that.

  3. what

  4. Bisect them and count the rings.

  5. no way to do this, just guess.

  6. there is no way to determine the exact day or time of a birth

    look at twins, one born say may 26th 11:59 pm and another born  like 12:10 on the 27th or something..there are no physical differences that present themselves..

    just pick the month your vet gave you and choose your favorite day in that time period..

    hope that helps

  7. no way at all
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