
Date on the Irish team shirts last Saturday?

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Why did the Irish rugby team have on their shirts on Saturday:



The date on Saturday was 15/03/2008. The Vatican had moved St Patricks Day to the 15th March because you cannot have a Patron St's Feast Day during Holy Week, so it is not for that. Was it a mistake?




  1. do not fear - the vatican will catch up with the irish some day...

  2. The Vatican may have moved St Patrick's to Saturday, but not one person that I know here in Ireland is refraining from celebrating! I shall be watching the parade on the TV in a bit as well!

    No idea on the ruggers shirts! Soz.

  3. The Irish dont care what the vatican does, it always uses the 16th and always will, ive just had this argument with 7 irish players, and they all concur.

  4. its because the  irish rugby boeard belives that st patricks day is his day it cannot be mived because a church belives so and it has always been so

  5. Is that true?

    I can't see the date properly in any photos.

    Do you have any where it can be seen?

    If it is true, then it's a mistake.

    The date should be the date they are playing the game.

    The Irish don't do their stereotype any good do they.

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