
Date to be redundant mid sept.if i find employment before then will i lose my redundancy payment.

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Date to be redundant mid sept.if i find employment before then will i lose my redundancy payment.




  1. IF you find a job before then, chances are they will want to do a reference check etc. You are only talking about 5-6 weeks away and most people moving from one job to another would have to give a months notice anyway.  IF you get a job just tell them you will be available to start the first working day after you finish with your present company.

  2. if you resign before being made redundant, yes. If they have already given you the notice, then no.

  3. If you resign and leave to start a new job then yes you may loose your redundancy. You current employer may agree to let you go early if you ask the (get it in writing) or ask your new employer to start after the redundancy

    This is a complex issues and can depend on how many people are being made redundant and why, you need specialised advice - go to your local CAB as it may be that you are in a group that can move during the notice period

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