
Dating exchange students?

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How do you date someone who is from a totally different dating styles and comes from a whole different social class?




  1. Dating styles may be overcome, aber wenn die Frau absolut ZU DOOF ist, dann gibt's keine Chance! Und es gibt's viele von diese hier in Deutschland!!! Aber glücklich gib's auch viele andere ausländische Frauen.

  2. I tried. Its not that they are from america but it is that they must home again going. Ich bin ein bisschen betrunken aber du verstehst ganz gut weil du in Deutschland lebst. tschuss.

  3. if you like them enough then it shouldn't matter.

  4. Best if you don't..

  5. If you like someone, you wouldn't ask those questions.

    If you don't like that someone, you wouldn't even date him/her. So there you go.

  6. just ask questions about his cultural background, his home town you are interested about where he is coming from...

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