
Dating for a year, never had a clue he ever thought about suicide, please help me?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend of a year was going thru a very tough time in his life shortly before we met. he failed out of a prestigious university he was attending. he was partying with friends all the time, and smoking put multiple times daily alone. he was arrested 3 times, 1 for DUI, and 2 for possession. I am happy to say he appears to be a well functioning happy go lucky individual. he doesnt party much (maybe once a month) and smokes pot occassionally (maybe 2 or 3 times a month). I was cleaning his room with him the other day and I found a piece of paper when he stepped out of a police report of one of the arrests. In it, apparently he was belligerent and fighting with cops saying he wanted to die, and that he was going to slit his throat. Ive never heard him speak this way. What are the chances he still feels this way on the inside, and is hiding a deep and tumultuous interior from me? He always says in passing that I "Saved" him, but never explained why. any chance he is heeled? do these feeling just go away? I know he saw a counselor for substance abuse, and I suppose this issue may have been addressed as well?? I just want him to be happy, and healthy




  1. Never let him know that you saw the report.  If his life begins to go in a downward spiral he might feel the same way again.  He is on the mend, should we say, and it is thanks to your positive influence on his life at the time.  The feeling will go away as he picks up the pieces of his life  As long as he does not abuse substances and still sees a counsellor this issue will be addressed.

    Good luck.

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