
Dating in a bad ECONOMY not worth it for many MEN?

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I heard on the radio this week that a lot of men are leaving their girlfriends because they "can't afford" to date them anymore.

The bad economy is causing people to cut costs in their daily lives and girlfriends are one of them.

What does this say about the dating world? Feminists here are always telling me how much they don't care about money. YET, it seems that in America more that 50% of women (at least) are a financial liability to men.

Where are all these women who 'don't care about money' feminists keep talking about?




  1. HA HA! That's not my personal experience.

    I'm currently dating a physical therapist who makes double the income I make!

    There's no way I'm dumping someone I can possibly have a future with, just because our government sucks ***!

  2. lol, our economy is that bad eh?

    well, i'll tell you this.......if i had a girlfriend that i truly loved......and she didnt run my wallet dry.....and she was a lovely person........i would not break up with her over the friggin economy.

  3. You're just afraid to date us because we won't let you take care of us, as you have said that a "REAL MAN" (your emphasis, of course) should. But where did you hear this? From your local morning shock jocks, or a radio news program with any amount of credibility?

  4. Stay home, then.  Always whining.  Buy a bunch of tube socks for the long dry spell.

    BTW, I ALWAYS offer to pay half.

  5. A few of my friends have cut back on dating lately due to rising costs of well... everything.

  6. dating doesn't have to cost a  lot of money.  You can go on picnics, for hikes, stay at home and rent a movie, go to the beach.

  7. That would explain the grim social scene around Detroit.  The economy here's been bad ever since I moved up eight years ago.

    Outside the U.S., you'll find women who still care about money, but they're more cost-effective for American men.

  8. Sometimes I can't afford to go to dinner with friends.  Dating expenses should be equal but even that's not possible with bills coming in at the wrong time.  Women do care about money.

  9. Perhaps if you quit dating shallow bimbos, it wouldn't be so expensive?

  10. High maintenance is not necessary but a man whom supports and provides for the family and a woman whom nurtures and helps the family is essential or the standard ... there needs to be at least what is enough or what is needed ... you don't need a 30 inch Plasma TV or the best quality made Gucci bag but a house and the essentials ( toilet , bed , sink , shower , refrigerator , etc ) somewhat in pretty good shape and decent/pretty looking and some extra objects for entertainment ( computer , boards games , rubber pool , etc )

    Out of curiosity do you like foreign women ? Because I see many European and American men here in Africa , Eastern Europe , South America and Asia

  11. lol well because women expect it and if your looking for action your gonna have to pay one way or another but in the end your wallet will get more action than you.

    No normal honest women will admit that money doesnt matter, because it does. The amount you have, make and are willing to spend tells women how committed you are to them. it might not be PC but it is the way it is.

    More money equates to better quality women!

    This statement isn't meant as an insult its just reality.

  12. Well, that's always been the case. We women have to be on the look-out for a good provider for the children that will follow the marriage. When nature calls, we gotta answer.

    Hey, Mike, I like you're graphic, by the way. HUBBA HUBBA

    Best wishes. ☺

    EDIT: I like Shura's answer too. When I was dating I didn't have to go to fancy places to have fun. We used to go to the beach (and gas prices were HIGHER because our wages were smaller in the 1970s people), cook at home, watch scary old B&W movies on TV. Stuff like that. ☺

  13. That would only happen if you are dating a high maintenance, selfish woman. Even I as a woman don't get how some women can be that inconsiderate. In my case, my boyfriend and I take turns paying whenever we go out. And yes we've been cutting back on spending now that you mention it. The main reason being the ridiculously high gas prices.

    Edit: What? I got thumbs down because i don't like to be a financial burden to my boyfriend? lol some people...

  14. You "hate" feminists, and they are the only women who will generally pay their own way.

    So you want a submissive, "traditional" woman who will ALSO pay for everything herself, and not expect "chivalry?"

    And I don't believe a single thing you've printed, or that you "heard it" on a radio show.

  15. You really ought to try dating a feminist, then.  We will pay for half the meal or alternate buying dinner.  

    Although in all honesty, I can't say that my bf ever lets me pay.  But I make it up to him by cooking for us (And, yes, we do have lengthy discussions over this).  But, I'm also the kind of person who would be happy with putting a pizza in the oven (a real home-made pizza not the frozen kind) and renting movies, so I think I'm a cheap date.

  16. Only a very superficial relationship would end over the economy. But even in real relationships I think there is a lot of pressure to show how much you care by spending big bucks. If a guy doesn't have the money or frankly doesn't see the need to spend tons of cash everytime he's interested in a girl there are ways to avoid it.

    You can cook her dinner at her place and ask her to pick the wine, that way you're both spending a little. You can also put a cash limit on gifts, just tell her that up front, that way you aren't both spending more than you can afford to impress each other. I did that with my guy and our gifts are so much more thoughful now.

  17. Dating is expensive for the man.  It appears to be impossible for most (myself included) for either s*x to be able to look at things from the other viewpoint.

    In general, men want s*x, women want security.  Having an understanding girlfriend is better.

  18. Dating, especialy the Capricious kind, is always expensive. Even if you go dutch, it increases the # of trips to bars, resteraunts, entertainment venues and the amount of driving one person does goes up. So begining a relationship or maintaining a non-live together relationship is very expensive for everyone involved

  19. Here! (but I already got shacked up with a lovely man with no money, sorry.)

    To me and my friends, it really is the thought that counts. I would pick a handsome guy who runs me a bath when I get in from night shift and gets on well with my mum over a diamond watch any day.

    Nice, light and interesting news story though, I can see why they ran it.

  20. So which is it, Mike:

    Do you want women to be "traditional" and depend on you for money? Or do you want women to make their own money, and therefore not have to depend on you to take care of her?

    You are unable to NOT think extremes, aren't you? You heard on the radio that some men are leaving their girlfriends because it is too expensive to "keep" them. Come on, now really. Do you think this is a fair representation of all couples out there? Honestly? I GUARANTEE that sort of situation is representative of less than 1% of couples. The media likes quirky little stories like that. I recently read a story about a pig that is afraid of dirt so her owners had to make her little shoes. According to your logic, this is a growing trend among pigs and proves that all pigs fear dirt.

  21. LOL. Your questions get sillier every day. How low will you go next time? Let me ask you a question: in this economy do you completely lose your s*x drive? Do you wake up in a morning feeling cheap or it comes over you later ( after you take your morning dump )? Ridiculous questions deserve ridiculous answers. Now, why is a woman YOU are interested in for whatever reason has to bear responsibility for YOUR inability to make decent money? She has choices. Why date you, when she can turn around and find a guy without financial problems, anger issues and self worship fetish? Men like you are no prize in this world, so you do need to up your game, if you hope to have s*x with someone other than your precious self any time soon.

  22. We are so entrenched in materialism, I think we have forgotten how to have fun.

    In this economy a great date would be a bike ride along the river, a hand-packed picnic in the park, window shopping in the arts district of the nearest city, or staying in and cooking a meal together.

    Dating has been corrupted as badly as religion and feminism have been.   Dating used to be about discovering common interests and learning to take an interest in a new activity because a person you care about enjoys it.   Dating used to be about spending time together to discover how compatible you are as companions, and whether you want the same things out of life.

    Today dating sounds like just another category on a guy's monthly budget, just another line item in his financial portfolio. He's thinking in terms of how much money he will have to "invest" in order to secure regular s*x for the next 6 months.

    And she is thinking in terms of how to get him to "bid up" before she undresses for him.   I find it entirely abhorrent.

    I'm glad I'm married.

  23. I'm a simple gal, really. I hang out at people's homes if I want to see them. It's not that big of a deal to save money, you just have to learn how to do it.

    I think most of us girls don't want a bunch of money spent on them. As for whether it's worth dating us because of your standard of spending is up to you.


  24. Honestly, I just got out of a 2 year 6 month relationship. Yeah, we used to worry about money sometimes because we were both students, but if people care about each other then they don't need to be spending money all the time. I mean, we'd make a good time out of going to taco bell, we didn't need a fancy meal. I can see how having less money would make somebody less inclined to go out on a lot of dates with girls they don't know well, but it shouldn't destroy a relationship. It took a lot more than money issues to break up my relationship.

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