
Dating in ireland for a 16 year old hurry!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm american and i'm going to ireland for two weeks. i was thinking about trying to meet some guys while i'm there. i just want a quick fling. i'm 16 but i heard somewhere that most people don't start dating there until they're almost adults. i geuss i just want to know if what i want would be a little dumb. please try to answer soon. i'm leaving in two days.




  1. No, It's not that different Some people in my class started dating  at 12. Whoever told you they didn't start dating until they were almost adults haven't been in Ireland for a long time.You'll be fine. Try getting the magazine. Kiss. It's a really good Irish teen magazine you can get it at most news agents. Trust me it's really good i read it every month. Lots a pages and it's just a normal teen magazine.

    And no you wouldn't be dumb.

  2. I think you have been given good advice on here ,,Why not wait til you are older you will be glad you did

  3. Think you are being a bit silly really.  Looking for a fling when you are only 16 in any big city is going to get you in trouble if you are not careful.  You are just on the legal age for sexual relations here.  

    Why waste yourself on a quick fling.  Have another think about it - in a couple of years you will die of embarrassment when you look back on this question.

    Whatever you do take care.

  4. I think someone has told you a few porkies about Irish society and dating... Ireland has one of the highest levels of teenage pregnancies in Europe and if you are looking for a fling with a 16 year old  ( or older) you will most definately be accomodated ..

    if you are gonna look for a fling, you better have your head screwed on tight and you better make sure you take care of yourself..

  5. We Irish are famous for having a baby a year.  So, make sure you're on the Pill before any "quick fling" with one of us.  You could be birthing that quick fling in 9 months time!

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