
Dating/pregnancy/Age Question!?

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Ok, so I'm almost 16. Only had 1 boyfriend that my parents don't know about and they don't talk to me about boyfriends/s*x besides when I was like 9 but that was it. So now I feel like I really want to be a mom and there is a guy at school that wants to go out with me but I told him I have to speak with my parents first and he said ok. Now, I don't know how to bring up the subject/how they will respond about asking if I can have a boyfriend. I'm really scared they are now gonna get all 's*x talk' with me and stuff, any advice? Thanks!!




  1. you're not even dating the guy, but want to have kids with him?  That's insane.

  2. ummmm welllllll, it seems like you do need it. A nearly 16 year old girl does not need a baby, and this guy who wants to ask you out probably doesn't either. In fact, guys in high school and college DONT WANT KIDS YET! and if they have them, the kids are

    1. Denied


    3. tossed aside

    4. left behind


    6. headed in the wrong direction in life.

    Most teenage boys are not ready to be fathers, thats why they are called teenage BOYS and not teenage men. This guy is probably wanting to take u out, date, eat, movie, bowling...etc...then s***w you and up and go. Little boys are not ready for committed s*x and neither are you.


    my younger cousin Jessica (13...) was dating this 18 year old guy named Josh. And they liked each other, he told her he loved her and all this other BS. They started having s*x and she got pregnant (at 13). It turns out, Josh was seeing Jessica's best friend Alexa and got her pregnant too (at the same time! shes also 13) Jessica's father took her to a clinic to have an abortion because he knew she wasnt ready. Alexa's father pressed charges and had Josh thrown in jail. Alexa had her baby, shes not in school anymore and she cant receive cs bc the dad is in jail. She ran away from home and lives with a friend of hers (a guy named David, and is currently pregnant with her 3rd child. shes 16 now.)

    I had my daughter when i was 18. I didnt get to go to college, i had a FULL scholarship to play volleyball and i missed out bc i would have been pregnant during vb season! I have to work at a crappy place getting paid crappy money. I dont go out, i dont have friends, most of my money goes to diapers and wipes. Lucky for me, the father and I are still together and have plans for a future together. We are in love, which is rare for young teens and even young adults.

    Think about the decision you have to make:

    being a teen-having fun, dating, movies, wearing whatever you want, hanging out with your friends, sleepovers...

    Being a mom-changing diapers, buying formula, waking up in the middle of the night, feeding a baby, maternity clothes, being uncomfortable, being hot all the time, eating everything, watching your flat tummy swell, taking out your belly-button ring, trading in your favorite jeans for ugly stretchy pants, buying new bras, having to buy breast pads because your b***s leak, not being able to wear pretty underwear, feeling like the biggest blob in the world, etc...

    Now i'm not saying being a mom is all bad, but for a teen girl, its not a lot of fun. Most teens who get pregnant think it'll be easy...but its not. I had graduated and everything before i had my baby and it was EXTREMELY hard. Some teens think "oh it'll be fun picking out clothes and doing hair and blah blah fancy stuff blah." They dont realize that once you have a baby it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that child becomes a respectful member of society. Its not s**y being a teen mom.

    Please talk to yourparents, but reconsider being a mom right now. Sit at the dinner table say, "So there's this guy at school that likes me and I like him and he wants to take me out..." Know a little bit about him bc they will ask. know where he wants to take you. And of course have him meet your parents on your 1st date. Its the respectable thing to do...not just for your parents...for you too. If he meets your fam on the 1st date it lets him know you are close with your family and you respect yourself. I'm not sure why, but it does.

    good luck and be 100% positive on your decision. Have no regrets

  3. Gosh!I remember when i was 16.I wanted a baby so much and i would do anything to have a baby.I love kids so much.Anyway i believe it's only natural to feel the urge of wanting to become a mother because we are not the only 16 year olds and pass 16 year olds that felt this way.However it would be very unwise to give in to this urge.Looking at it i saw more disadvantages than advantages at the moment.Anyway whats the purpose of having parents if you cant have a serious conversation with them.Parenting is not only ensuring that your child gets the right amount of material things they's alot more than that.Now you are the lucky one because my parents have never ever once in their lives talk to me about s*x.I had to find out all i want to know on my own.It is best to give that parents and boyfriend talk thing a try.That way you will feel alot more comfortable with any other decisions.

  4. Well by being honest with them it will give them more reason to trust you.  Believe parents just want to protect and a lot of time they come about it the wrong way, but they mean well.  Just state your case and show your responsibility.  And about ready to be a mom, I'm going to tell you that dealing with a guy can get hard, but at least they could go to their own house when you get sick of them.

  5. why don't you just ask it you can go to a movie with him.  Why would you want to be a mom at 16.

  6. Having a baby is a HUGE 24/7 responsibility. It's not playtime. You will be 100% responsible for a little human being! Have you thought about your education or better yet, who's going to pay for the baby's care? My suggestion is that you date and have fun, save the babies for when you are older and can offer that child stability.

  7. Trust me you dont want to be a a teenage mother! it is a blessing but the hardest thing I have had to deal with is trying to balance my life as a teen and my life as an expecting parent. You probably don't understand becuase you don't realize that being pregnant is a hardship! Yes it is a blessing but my advice to all teens is to not have s*x!!!! Don't Risk your future.

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