
Daughter appears to have a bluish tint, however nothing else appears to be wrong!!!!

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I was just getting my 13 m/o dresses after breakfastand noticed that her lips appeared to be very purple/blue as well as the nail beds of her toes. She had waffles and watermelon for breakfast so that dosn't explain the color. SHe has had pneaumonia before when she was about 7 months. There dosn't appear to be ANYTHING wrong with/bothering her. She is playing normally and laughing and crawling and cruising. Her breathing isn't labored or exhaustive and she isn't weezing. I haven't even heard her cough/sneeze in days. She has no fever and although her legs and hands are a bit cold they are not so excessivly cold that it would cause her to be blue. She isn't choking on any food and isn't allergic to either waffles or watermelon. What should I do? I thought the other day I had noticed a slight tint in her lips after a nap but I wasn't sure so I kind of kept it in the back of my mind. And even while typing this she has appeared to return mostly to normal coloring, except for the creases of her lips near her cheeks. Any ideas what I should do?




  1. keep her warm and rub the extremities e.g. hands and feet, if circulation doesn't go back to normal after a couple hours see a doctor straight away

  2. See a doctor, my son's lips and nail beds turn bluish when he is running a fever.

    But definitely talk to your pediatrician about this. It could be serious.

  3. get her checked out at a docter's.

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