
Daughter at 30 wks... gest. diabetes... need recipes!?

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the diet ... oh, my... food is all new idea.... need ideas for meals ... have you seen any on sites?.... most of what I'm finding is not at all encouraging.... she's used to eating everything and this is a shock.... she's not a big sugar eater, no candy, cakes, cookies... just her coke and things that taste better with a little sweet.... they took all her white flour and cold cereals away, too....and juices!..... what's left that we can make a tasty meal out of?.... chicken salad is the only thing I can think of..... help?......




  1. You may want to check out the South Beach Diet. They cut out sugars, white flour and misc other items your daughter can't get into. But there are a ton of replacement foods and such that are sooooo yummy. I have been on the diet for a year and I have lost 60lbs and in good health. Good Luck!!  

  2. I had GD.  I had to eat every 2 hours.  Here was my typical day:

    Breakfast - 1 egg, 1 slice of whole wheat toast, small glass of orange juice and glass of milk

    Morning Snack (2 hours after breakfast) - fruit, usually and apple

    Lunch - Hamburger without the bun, a small salad, a piece of fruit and a glass of milk (they made me drink milk with pretty much everything)

    Afternoon Snack - South Beach Diet granola bar

    Dinner - Chicken with small salad or side of veggies.  I also had tacos - the beef was the protein and the shell counted as one carb, the toppings were the veggies.  Meatballs.  I would make a bunch and freeze them.  Then I would have a meatball sandwich with 2 pieces of bread.

    Night snack - piece of cheese or hard boiled egg with a small bowl of no-sugar ice cream.  Sounds like a gross combo but I needed my protein and I needed a sweet fix.

    My GD went away immediately after birth.  I was tested after I delivered my son and after I had about 5 pieces of chocolate.  I didn't know they were going to test my blood and I was nervous that it would be really high but it was absolutely normal.

  3. I had GD, I ate alot of lean meats, grilled chicken, steak, roast beef, whole peices of meat are better than ground meat.  Loaded up with lots of steamed veggies seasoned with garlic and some butter (have to get those calories in somehow).  For breakfast I ate eggs, sometimes with cheese.  Green salads with oil and vinegar, with some grilled sliced chicken breast on top, or a hard boiled egg sliced up is good too.  To drink, water is the thing which you need to have lots of during pregnancy anyway.  Caffeine free tea and seltzer water with lemon are good too.  

    The best thing you can do is go and buy a diabetic cook book, you'll find lots of great recipes in there.  The main thing is to try and bulk up every meal with a big healthy salad.  Just make sure to stay away from too much dressing, they can contain lots of sugar (read labels!!)

  4. She can still eat most normal foods, just in moderation.  She can still have carbs (potatoes, pasta, crackers, cereals) just only a small amount.  She should try to fill up on the veggies and meats part of the meals.

    Sugars are a no-no unfortunately, but I survived my Gestational Diabetes by getting my sweet fix through "fake" sweeteners.  There are tonnes of recipes out there for diabetes cakes etc using Splenda.  Diet Coke is an option too as it has no "sugar" in it, but she should watch how much as aspartame isn't really a good option.

    I also found that though I couldn't have any sugar first thing in the morning (no sugar in my tea, no juice etc), by mid afternoon I could get away with a little sugar.  Strawberries and whip cream etc.

    The good thing is that after baby is born, the GD will go away and she can go back to her regular eating habits.

    Good luck.

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