My daughter has a sliver and she is frantic about it coming out, frantic that it is going to hurt, frantic that we need to use tweezers, frantic that I may make it bleed. She is just all together frantic & flailing about and it needs to come out. She cries, screams when I look at it, freaks out when I come close to touching it and has done this for every sliver or blister that she has ever had.
I try to tell her that I am here to help it, I explain all the reasons why the sliver needs to come out but she is just is completely frantic (sorry no other word describes the terror that she dishes out when it comes to treating these things). I have never been rough with her, I have been extremely patient and gentle so I don't know why she is so frantic about it.
There has been times that the sliver comes out easily and she agrees that all the franticness wasn't needed - she is 6 and does understand that I am going to help her.
What else can I do? I don't want them to fester and get worse, but emotionally I can't stand all the fight with her to do it. I get teary when she cries and then I can't get it out easily we have to stop at that point.
Has anyone else had to deal with this? What else can I do to help her relax and be less frantic? PLEASE HELP.