
Daughter has allergic reaction?

by  |  earlier

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the doctor just said to give her benadryl and it helps but every day she wakes up with rashes/welps and it has been about 5 days now. can't get ahold of the doctor. i'm not asking anything else but what this could be? why doesn't it go away? the allergy medicine helps but it just comes back after she sleeps all night without the medicine. she is at my house now (new loction all around) and it's still doing it. I JUST NEED TO KNOW WHAT IT MIGHT BE. nothing more. thank you.




  1. Well it could be the medication she is taking i suggest prescribing different medication from her doctor.

  2. hey there maybe be something that could help with allergies but cant mention it here, give me a msg and il try and help

  3. Gosh, it's really hard to know. I'm rather surprised that your doctor hasn't put more effort into diagnosing the problem - that seems negligent to me, telling you how to treat the symptoms without looking for the underlying cause.

    I'm not a parent but the first thing that occurs to me is some food that she may be eating that causes the redness.  This may be something as simple as strawberries or as well hidden as an additive in a new cereal that she's started eating.

    You say she wakes up with it:  have you started using a new laundry detergent or fabric softener?  New sheets? Mattress? pillow?

    Have you had the house sprayed for pests at all?  New room freshener/air spray.  Toilet paper?

    I've re-read your note - you say she's at "your house".  Is your family going through some sort of stress - separation?  Could this be a reaction to what's going on in the family?

    Finding the source of an irritation can take a very long time.  I suspect you'll need to do a lot of studying of your daughter's environmental changes, food intake etc.  And please consider getting a second opinion from a doctor who's willing to give you a diagnosis.

    Blessings to all!

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