
Daughter has not gaine weight at all she has been 26 pounds?

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from when she was 1 1/2 years old now almost 2 1/2 years old. when should she start to gaine some more weight? i konw a lot of kids who are 2 years old who are like 30-35 pounds why does my daughter only weight 26 pounds for that much time? am i doing something wrong?




  1. Well I am not sure why she is not gaining the weight. However if it makes you feel any better when I was young I weighed 35lbs in the 3rd grade!!! I was a few weeks premature and I was always extremely petite. My dr.s were a bit concerned but my parents just gave me lots of whole grain carbs, a good childrens mulit-vit., and ensure to drink. I even think they make that pediasure thing maybe try them?

  2. My son is now 3 and it seems like he hasn't gained weight in 2 years ( I'm sure he has) he just now is starting to look a little fluffy. He's been wearing a size 3 diapers since he turned 1 1/2 or 2. But he's happy and healthy and very active, so don't worry as long as her doctor says she's healthy be happy.

  3. As my pediatrician explained it to me-  if they start out in the 25% range on the growth chart (or whatever, doesn't matter which one) and stay consistantly on that curve through the first 5 years, they're fine.  If she starts to drop off that curve, then she has a problem.  

    She's fine, just petite.  :)  I have one of those too.  She weighs 38 lbs now at almost 5, and is perfectly healthy, just small.

  4. She's fine!  My son was the same way.  He was about 25 pound from the time he was 1 1/2 until almost 3.  He grew, but just got taller and thinner.  Now, he's 3 1/2 and about 32 pounds.  He just went to the doctor and is in the 75 % for his age.  Don't worry, just make sure you give her food when she is hungry!

  5. her weight sounds normal to me.. 26lbs at 1.5 years sounds a little on the high end so maybe she is just thinning out? my daughters are tll and slender and are 3 years old and weigh 34lbs and have not gained much in the past 6months, or maybe longer. at 2 I think they were about 28lbs..If she is eating and healthy then dont worry, talk to your pedi if you think its a concern

  6. My daughter is 28 pounds and is 3 years old. She was at 25 pounds for the longest time, it seemed! She still wears shorts from last year (and most of those were from the year before). She is doing fine. She's healthy. My doctor said to not worry so much. As long as what she eats stays down and as long as she is still active and healthy, then it's okay. Try not to compare her to other kids. That can drive you crazy!

  7. As long as your daughter is eating alright, I wouldn't worry about it.  Everybody is different, and some just have a much faster matabolism.  My son has been 34lbs for a year and he's 4!  I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever get to use a booster seat!! lol  But seriously, just make sure that she is getting enough GOOD nutrition.  That's what really matters.  

  8. My son didn't gain a single pound from just before 2 until 2.5. The are getting a lot more active at that age and their growth slows down a lot. It also depends on height and bone structure as well. My sin is about to be 3 and 95%tile for height and just now weighs 30lbs. His best friend is 6wks older, a inch shorter but weighs a good 5+lbs more. His other friend, a girl is only 3 weeks older..several inches shorter and she only weighs 24lbs..she's very tiny but healthy.

  9. My son is 3 and a half and weighs 30 pounds. The funny thing is that he has weighed that amount for over 8 months. He is getting taller but not gaining weight! So you have nothing to worry about!

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