She had talked about getting tattoos, dying her hair weird colors, piercings, etc before she turned 18 and I always told her after she was in her own home and paying her own bills then she could do whatever she wanted, but while she lived in the family house she would follow the rules. 18 or 17 makes no difference. The rules are no to tattoos etc.. If she wanted to be in charge of herself at 18 she would need to get a job and her own place.
Well.. this summer she turned 18 and then spent a month at her aunts house, she came back with 2 tattoos on the back of her legs.
What to do now is my problem. I told her that she needs to look for a job and a place to live since she decided to test the waters so severelyy, not fixable. She has another year of school left and I am not sendingg her out on her own, but I have to find a way to let her know she messed up.. I have two other younger children, 16 year old not a rebel and a 7 year old that has the same personality as the 18 year old. I don't want the message out that I will let a major thing just go without sever repercussionss. hmmm anybody with real suggestions?