
Daughter problems..?

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My 8 year old daughter has started masturbating since we got her to stop sucking her thumb. She seems to be doing it many times a day. She even will spend long periods of time in our swimming pool against the return where the water jets out. Do you have any advice?




  1. Well 8 years old does seem kind of young.  She's not thinking of it as a sexual thing I'm sure so I guess it's not to big of a deal.  If you find her doing it to often or when people are around just tell her that she really shouldn't be doing that.  If she asks why just say it's hard to explain, you'll understand more when you are older.  For right now though please don't be doing that around anyone!  It's got to be tough I'm not looking forward to having that conversation!

  2. I did since i was 6 and it wasnt for sexual reasons. Sometimes i would wake up doing it like in my sleep so it must just be because it feels good. I always did it when i was alone though not in a pool. Tell her its something you do privatley and that its fine to do. My mom use to always say "stop playing with your self" and i never knew what she meant cuz i didnt know what i was doing. So just tell her its normal but its a private thing. good luck

  3. its not sexual its just that it feels good. if it bothers you, ask her doctor

  4. I have seen my 6 year old do it also.  I just said that it is something she needs to do in her room and if she could please shut the door because we don't want to see her doing that.  Maybe redirect her when she starts doing it in the pool and let her know that it is something to be done in private.

  5. I agree with what the majority of people are saying.  It is probably a very innocent thing, and explaining to her that it is not something that is appropriate to do in public.  However, you should probably try to make sure that is all it is.  She may have an infection that is making her itch or maybe burns.  If that is the case she needs to go to a doctor.  If she is acting as if she knows it is a sexual thing then you should be concerned because it may be a sign that she has been touched inappropriately.  Chances are that is not the issue, but of course you want to be aware.

  6. Well, if my parents caught my sister doing that they'd be PISSED! Just tell her to stop jackin' off like a ho.  However, it's cool when hot teens do it. But she's 6, so, it's not cool. Just let her do it. But if she still does it when she's like 11-15, you need to get her a counselor.
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