
Daughter repeats herself?

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why does my daughter repeat herself untill i say somthing? it gets on my nerves .




  1. Answer her first time, she is trying to interact as humans do

  2. just say something the first time and she will quit repeating herself...she's trying to get your attention and apparently it works

  3. Lol. Because she is a child haha. Stick in there. Eventually when she moves out then it will pass :)

  4. join in and say what shes going to say next my little boy is doing this too mum mum we in the car yes  i say mum mum we in the car yes i say till i go harry harry we in the car lol it works you just have to divert their attention with repeating them the same was or going ooo look at that bird what colour is that car etc

    my son is 20 months and talks tooo much he has a huge vocabulary but chooses mum mummy mum mum ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oooh look a orange what colours that fruit lmao

    good luck

  5. As you're posting this in the toddler and preschooler section, I'm assuming she's in that age group.  In which case, that's totally normal.  Most little kids do this.  

    It can get annoying, but you just have to try and answer first time or they'll keep doing it.

    They don't understand why adults ignore people, they're not that socially developed, so they no doubt assume you didn't hear and keep saying it until you do.

    When my kids were small, they used to do this and so I asked myself if I'd ignore them if they were adults.  The answer, obviously was no, so I tried to think of them the way I would an older person and try not to ignore their questions......even when the question was something like 'what's the sea for' or 'do you like tables'.  I guess that's why we ignore them, because they're not the kind of questions an older person would ask LOL

    But you just have to try and see the world from their viewpoint and keep them happy.  They'll be old before we know it and we'll look back on the toddler days and wonder where they went so quick (I know this because I'm already there, with pre-teens who are nothing like the cute toddlers they once were!).

  6. Because she thinks you didn't hear her and just wants an answer or your acknowledgement.  Just say "ok" or something simple - it's sad that it gets on your nerves that she has to "pester" you to get your attention.  Don't ignore her just because you don't think what she has to say is important..  It is important to her!

  7. She is trying to have a conversation with you---this is the way humans learn and interact and socialize---the more you talk to her, and with her, the smarter she will become.

  8. i do this all the thime

  9. it's a stage, she'll stop doing it, but responding to her QUICKLY would make her stop repeating herself

  10. Does your daughter do this constantly whenever she wants to talk to you?  Or is it only when you're distracted and can't respond to her immediately?  My 3 year old son does the same thing.  He'll repeat himself over and over until I respond to him.  Normally it happens when I'm having a conversation with someone else.  When I don't stop instantly to answer him, he'll repeat himself till I do.  I've found that if I acknowledge him, remind him that's it's not okay to interrupt, and let him know that I will answer him in just a minute -- that usually works and he will wait.  The key is to follow through and answer them as soon as you're able to.  Good Luck!

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