
Daughter scared to change her earrings. She thinks she'll get upset when she sees the holes. Is this unusual?

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Getting them pierced was something she had wanted to do for quite a while, so I took her on her 7th birthday. 6 months later, she is still wearing the studs they put in, because she feels she will get upset changing them when she sees the actual holes.




  1. The "holes" will just be very tiny depressions in her lobes, not gaping chasms that she'll be able to see through.  Kids do have strange misunderstandings about their bodies (it's not unusual for boys that age to be convinced that they're pregnant!).  Try to be patient.

  2. Is this unusual? Not. At. All.

    I cannot tell you how TERRIFIED I was when I had to change my earrings. I had them done when I was 7 years old. I wore the studs for the longest time. The stud is actually bigger than a normal earring, because that way the earring goes in smoother and it isn't so difficult. My mom had to change my earrings for the longest time because I couldn't do it. I was so scared and I didn't want it to hurt. Maybe you can put them in for her or guide her? I can totally understand why she is feeling that way. She will eventually get over it. I had to learn how to do it, and I had to have a mirror, and it would take me sometimes 30 mins to be able to do it. After I did it by myself one time, I was so proud that I wanted to keep doing it by myself.

  3. haha, thats how i was tooo..but i was scared it was going to hurt again.

    Show her ur ears...its normal :)

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  4. I agree with the showing her your ears thing, then I think you should take them out without showing her a mirror, and put some really pretty ones in. It's easier to take out the smaller studs. 6 months is a really long time to wear one pair of earrings, and if she hasn't kept turning them it might hurt to take them out anyway.

    Good luck.

  5. Why not change the earrings for her so she doesn't see the holes.  She will find she likes different earrings and may overcome her apprehension.  You can tell her they are only little tiny holes and not big gaping holes and that may help.

  6. she is just scared that they are still not healed.

    Re assure her tell her that i willbe fine and you will buy her a treat

  7. If she is this scared,k then maybe she isn't ready to have her ears pierced after all.  My step-daughter had herself so worked out about having her earrings changed for the first time that she passed out!  Her Mom took them out and told her that when she was ready mentally, she could get them pierced again.  She did them again at 12 and had no problem!  (She was 7 the first time).  If you really want to keep her ears pierced, let her watch you do your own first.  Tell her that the first time you change them, it probably will hurt a bit because of the posts on the stud earrings being hard to take apart.  I would help her take them out for the first time or  two.  I would definitely get them taken out, soon,  though so you can clean them thoroughly.

  8. She might get a little upset but not much, just play it down, you know like won't these look in your ears instead of those posts? Or play it up that you two are going to go check out new earrings, and it will paas her by and she will be fine.

  9. it's normal because I was and am soooooo afraid that I won't let anyone touch my ear.It's so annoying for me to think about a  hole through my ear.If I were you I would ask her if she likes her to be pierced and if she doesn't want to have those holes ( ! ) then you should leave her alone.or you can tell her she won't look at the holes if she changes her earrings you can do it for her

  10. i had mine pierced at 1, and tell the 7 year old that you cant see the holes unless you look very closely. she'ss grown out of it though.

  11. are your ears pierced?  If they are, show her how tiny the holes actually are. or change them while she is asleep.

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