
Daughter swallowed a quarter?

by Guest56935  |  earlier

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My 4 year old daughter swallowed a quarter 3 days ago. I called the doctor immediately, and was told as long as she could get food and water down (which she could) it was not stuck and I'd need to check her bowel movements for the quarter to appear. If it did not appear within 4 days, I have to take her back to the doctors and get an x-ray done to see whats going on. We're on day 3 and she has 2-3 bowel movements a day and no sign of it yet. She feels fine and is eating and acting normally.

I was just wondering if anyone else's kids have swallowed any coins or something of the like, and if so, did they pass it ok, and about how long did it take? Has anyone had a child that was not able to pass a coin through? I'll see the doctor tommorrow but just wanted to hear others experiences. Thanks so much!!




  1. That's interesting because a girl I knew went for a "colon cleanse"

    treatment where they flush out your bowels and several worn

    coins came out. She was in her 40's and they told her those must

    have been in there since she swallowed them as a child. The dates

    were worn off but the girl said she never remembered swallowing

    coins. Her mom had died earlier so it remained a mystery. Maybe

    you will get lucky and your daughter will pass the quarter. If she's

    only 4 I would think she will feel pain when it comes through, because she'd still be pretty small.  

  2. i swallowed a glass "marble" as a child.. i know it did pass, not sure how long it took but i remember my mother having to check my poo till it came out ha ha....

    it could be she passed it and you never saw it, but an e ray will show if it is still inside and how far through it's passed

  3. my daughter actually swallowed a penny once it didn't' pass right away either, the doctor cleared her because she was acting normal breathing and eating normal. it didn't pass until about a week later the doctor said it would take like 3 or 4 days but it took 7 she called me in the bathroom like mommy my penny pooped out ! ha ha a penny took  7 days so a quarter may take longer just see what the doctor says

  4. Well that must have been scary for you! With 6 girls, they've never swallowed any coins, but we've had plenty of broken bones. Eek!

  5. wait untl she take poo and wash it off then give it to someone you dont like

  6. Don't worry about it kids swallow coins all the if she poops out two dimes and a nickle then you should worry

  7. I'm glad she's eating and drinking normally - for what it's worth, I think it's sensible that you called the doctor immediately, and that you're going in tomorrow for an x-ray to see what's happening with the coin.

    incidentally, the title of this reminded me of the old joke, where the mother asks the doctor how the coin-swallower is doing, and he replies "no change yet!" ;-)

    Hope things go ok for you tomorrow. x  

  8. my son swallowed a a dollar coin and i was freaking out but then a couple days later he was just fine as if nothing had happened

  9. I swallowed a penny when I was 2 and I'm 18 now and fairly healthy. Most likely it will pass.

  10. A quarter is big for a 4 year old to pass.  I know my sister swallowed a penny when she was a kid and it passed just fine, but a penny is a lot smaller!

  11. What is it with children and sticking things in their noses or swallowing them?!  Both of mine did this, drove me bonkers let me tell you!  When my youngest was 3, she swallowed several coins that year.  The first time we went to the ER, they gave her a laxitive after the verified by Xray.  It took a week to come out.  Did that stop her from doing it again?  No!  After that we would just call the Dr and monitor her BMs.  I still tease them, that they are the reason I'm going gray so soon.  Good Luck!

  12. When i was little i had these problem i chewed on stuff when i was nervous ,i swallowed a penny,dime and pen cap at least and i am perfectly fine.

  13. My daughter used to swallow things and shove stuff up her nose all the time. She had a thing for swallowing rocks, they always came out days later in her poo and she is okay. When i was a toddler I swallowed broken glass (eek!) and I turned out just fine.

  14. its ok it shud pass in few days   you no you have to serch the poo ....  

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