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well my daughter is so lazy that she will not do nothing for me anymore. she is 16 yrs old and i told her 5 times to clean my house when i was away to minnosta for 5 days . she did not do it. im telling you she is soo lazy that she does do nothin for no one any more. she gives me attitude and she does not listen to me. she does not listen to my mom or my father. im sick of her actin this way. she acts like she knows it all.. please give me advice




  1. Discipline. You could take away something she enjoys doing. You cannot let her get away with it, or you will loose control, and that's just the way it will be. I'm not saying, bring wrath down upon her...but you have to let her know who is in controll.

  2. it's that phase.

    let her understand that you deeply care for her

    and talk to her one on one, with no screaming or yelling involved

    try to get more closer to your daughter, talking about personal lives, but also respecting hers at the same time

    let her know that you support her

    and even when things don't make sense, try to understand what she's going through

  3. Be strict with discipline but back it up with lots of love.  I've raised two daughters that way and it worked.  They also could be lazy and hard headed, but they are now wonderful 24 and 25 year old adults.  Good luck.

  4. deprive her of the things she loves - but only the ones you and your parents bought her: phone, ipod, car, etc. and ground her.

    i'm 17 but i still hate 2 see a teen acting up, it makes us all look bad.

  5. This is a hard one, I agree with consequences, but at that age they might threaten something else like running away or something like that. I say offer her a prize or to earn some money for helping out. Prizes like allowance. If she gets one don't give it to her unless she works for it. She will want money eventually and that will work, if she watches tv take it away and video games take them away too and let her earn those back. Also like the other lady said take her cell away too and her computer. If she has nothing to occupy her time then she will have to do something else...try positive allowance reinforcement and see if that works. Good luck on that one.

  6. do what my sister did to me

    she took away my cell phone

    she took away my ipod

    and my computer

    and i wasent allowed to go anywhere

    lol now im older but what she did worked

    but now i pay for my cell phone and i baught a new ipod and a laptop

    i got a job

  7. Does she have consequences for not doing what is asked of her?  I'm sure she has a cell phone, take it away from her until she does what she's asked...
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