
Daughter walking at 8.5 <span title="months....................?">months......................</span>

by Guest57631  |  earlier

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my baby girl just started walking today shes 8.5 months im in total shock that shes so advanced and shes so young, but would you consider her a toddler now or infant or baby? Im so proud of her i think its so fasinating, when did your children start walking and running around?




  1. I hate to be the bearer of bad new, but your baby is not ad advanced as you think she is. Most babies take their first steps from 8 - 12 months. My daughter did, as well as my sisters son. It&#039;s great she&#039;s walking in all but people need to remember your kid is not as great as you think she/he is.  

  2. WOW. =) that is really cool. I have a brother not a mommy gonna wait for that one) and a sister, and they both started walking around a year. 10 months maybe.

    I would still consider her a baby, but some may say toddler since she is walking.


  3. My little one was walking and talking in full sentences by age 1. Your little one is still a baby. By age 1 is when they are considered toddlers. But really when she is 4 years old she will still be your baby girl. Lol! Just wait until you see her imagination start growing! That is even more fascinating.


    A child aged between one year and three years.

    Enjoy it. They grow fast. Now you are spending time teaching her to walk and talk. The next thing you know you&#039;ll be trying to teach her how to sit down and be quiet.

  4. she&#039;s still a baby cause she is still so little

  5. my daughter started walking at 8 and a half months also. She had the strength to do it so did it. They become a toddler at 18 months i think

  6. i started around 10 months

    my sister started around a year

    and my half sister at around 8

  7. i started walking when i was 8 months...haha that is when usually little(normal) babies start to walk but in america is a miracle lol  

  8. You should be proud. She a toddler

  9. she is a toddler after a baby starts walking they are toddlers

  10. I would say she&#039;s not very advanced. For a girl, maybe. Females are a lot weaker than men, and baby girls don&#039;t really have strength for that for a while, but okay!

  11. congrats!!!! give her a hug for me!!

    and for you good luck it means that she is goig to be making a mess now!

  12. my daughter was around 11 months, son was around 9 months

  13. I started walking at 8 months.  Didn&#039;t help me much though, I&#039;m really klutzy.  I wouldn&#039;t quite call her a toddler yet at that age though, walking or not.

  14. 9 months

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