She is 16. I have a decent relationship with her dad
They became acquainted when she was 6. I was full time mom with no help at all from. When he learned of my still being around he asked if he could see her. I said no. Then later, my daughter starts asking questions about her dad. Where is he, etc.. I decided that it may be a good thing that they have some kind of rapport - he was never a really "bad" guy just inability to be a father. I asked to meet at his place. After thorough inspection of his life I threatened him that if he ever walked out of her life that he would never be allowed to see her again. Fortunately they stayed close.
He is a decent father to her. I don't agree with some choices. He's getting married soon to a woman (barely) who is 7 years older than our girl. My daughter thinks she is "cool" and they get along.
I asked her what her reasons were for wanting to live with her dad, she said, "Mostly because my dad's getting married soon and I want to get to know "....." better and I want to spend more time with my little brother.
After some contemplation, that I couldn't justify her going to live with her dad in order to get to know the fiance, who lives with him, but I could understand missing her little brother. I said that she could have a temporary stay - spend a couple of months of living with her dad and then she could see life with him while going to school in his house while not on vacation time from school.
I, also, am getting married. It will involve a move. When we move, she will have extended time with her dad in order to make up for the every other 3 night weekend she usually spends with him.
She has complained that her dad doesn't spend enough time with her when she is there and I am afraid that is part of why she wants to move in with him... maybe (in her mind) if she spends more time over there the opportunity will arise that he will pay her more attention. For 7 years I have offered two weeks uninterrupted, this year was the first time he took it, and it was only for 1 week.
She wants to live here and graduate highschool then move in with me to start college after graduation. That's two years from now. I fear that his lack of attention will lead to bad grades and her not graduating in time. I don't plan to move for about 4 months. I get married in 3 mo.
Thank you!