My 21 year old daughter has had trouble at school all her life, was diagnosed "unspecified learning disabled" by the school counselor. Later, at age 19 she saw a psychologist for a little while who started her on Ritalin. The psych said that ADD is difficult to diagnose, but if the medicine helps then you probably have ADD. She didn't like the side effects and gave it up after a couple of months. She's an "adult" we can't force her to get treatment.
My question is, is it normal for persons with ADD to spend like drunken sailors and have no concept of borrowing, saving and budgeting? I just found out that on top of her salary from her full time job she took out a loan for the equivalent of 2 more than 2 weeks take home pay, and spent it in 12 days. She lives in our home and apart from a car, mobile phone, lunches and entertainment she has few expenses.
I want to set up some kind of intervention before she takes out a big loan with some predatory lender and ruins her young life. Any ideas?