
Daughter will be 2 in a few weeks potty training ??

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My daughter will be 2 in a few weeks and she does pee and sometimes p**p in the potty but well its not a habit its usually if im in the bathroom for her to tell me she has to potty. She will say mommy im pooping and i say hurry babe lets go potty and she says no dont want to and thats it. Just wondering if what we are doing is going to eventually turn into going more or what else to make it a constant thing




  1. that is a very good sign, try setting her on the potty every hour or so for 5 minutes. my biggest word of advice is not to use a seperate potty chair. working in a daycare we had a huge problem when parents would keep their kid home for a week and potty train them on a little chair and then we couldn't get them to use a regular potty and the parents would soon be asking why little susie goes potty in her pants while they're out because she doesn't want to sit on the big potty

  2. Please do not despair.  I have 7 children some train early some late and my 3 1/2 year old still has to be reminded all day.  My just turned 2 year old is more for it than my 3 year old.  I believe there is a window of where they are more open to it.  I missed it with my 3 year old now I have to wait for her.

  3. The best way to is to create a reward system with your childs favorite candy such as M&Ms or skittles and do this for 7 days. Also, have a large prize for the 7th day. It worked for all my children. See: for more details.

  4. girls should potty train before boys  girls are easier i was potty trained at 12 months so you better hurry up  but let her be ready  

  5. Doctors usually say that when they show interest in picking out their own clothes and putting them on and generally trying to be more independent, are good signs to look out for.This indicates they might be ready. Usually, well  for my children atleast, this happened at about 2 and 6 months,  any later than that and i think you're sending them the wrong message,.. and it'll be harder to train them.  Good luck.......Happy peeing!!

  6. I can't imagine a child being potty trained by 3, 6 or 12 months!  My daughter couldn't even walk until 15 months, so I saw no point in overwhelming her with potty training issues.

    My daughter is 22 months and is just discovering the concept (she sits on her potty when I do), and she's starting to take off her diaper.  But I'm still not pushing the issue too hard.

    However, I've heard many swear by using M&M's.  Everytime she uses the potty, give her an M&M.  One for pee and two for poo.  I have every intention of trying this, but there's been a lot going on in our household and they say to pick a time when things are calm and relaxed and they aren't overwhelmed with a lot of other changes.

    Good Luck!

  7. Not until 2-3 YEARS OF AGE

  8. Truthfully don't rushy it I will keep doing what your doing now until you feel you need to increase it to make it a contant issue.

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