
Daughter wont walk?

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My daughter is 14 months old. She wont walk. She cruises and can stand by herself without any support, she just refuses to try to walk. It is frustrating because she should be walking by now. I cant help her because when I hold her hands to try to help her walk by walking with her, she picks her feet up off the ground and whines because she doesnt want help. Is there anything I can do to encourage her short of having her walk behind push toys and such?




  1. She'll do it when she is sounds like it will be any day now.

  2. She just isnt ready. All kids are different.. My niece didnt start walking til 18 months and she's absolutely fine! With my daughter I would just make it a game, I would get all excited and clap all crazy so she could see that its a "happy" thing.  Its new to her and she'll walk when she comfortable and ready, dont get discouraged! Good luck!

  3. She shouldn't be walking yet. Most babies don't walk until anywhere between 14-18 months old. My daughter is 16 months old and just started taking her first steps about 2 weeks ago. She still prefers crawling, but will walk with encouragement. Your daughter will walk when she's ready to walk. Don't compare her to other kids. Every child develops at their own pace. If she's not walking by 18 months, then it's time to see the pediatrician, but until then, there is nothing to worry about.

  4. My son was over 18 months when he took his first step.  Our dr. had him evaluated and they found that he is very smart and was too busy taking it all in.  When you least expect it, she will walk.

    Be sure to have the tissue handy, I cried like a baby when he finally started and now I am crying because I cannont slow him down. =)

  5. There is nothing wrong with her walking behind push toys. All children grow and mature at different rates and your efforts to 'push' your daughter to walk may simply frustrate her.

    Give her some time! When she catches on to something that makes her take that first step, you will be spending your time worried about how to stop her!

    Just keep encouraging her but don't EVER let her see disappointment that she isn't ready yet. She WILL get there.

    Hang in there Dad, I had to wait for 12 YEARS to see my youngest walk due to his disabilities.

    Just relax. Your daughter will get there on the walking when the time is right for HER.

  6. 1st of all please don't be frustrated she is only 14 months and all children learn at different stages in there life.

    my 1st daughter was 8 months when she walked but  my 13 month son is still not trying yet but his forward in other ways she wasn't. im not worryed he will start when his ready!!

    door bouncers are great you can adjust them to her height and she will have loads of fun!!!

    all kids are different and the 1st thing we do is learn our kids to walk and talk but your 1st words next year will be shut up and sit down lol only kidding  

    don't worry and all the best x*x

  7. I have 2 kids myself and I can tell you that they will just take off one day and walk, nothing to worry about, some kids just start later.
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