
Daughters front teeth question?

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My daughter lost her 2 front teeth about 6 months ago. Well one is almost fully grown in while the other hasnt even cut the skin yet. Is this normal? My other children all came in together should I get this checked out. She is 6 btw.

Thanks ahead of time




  1. I would get it checked out, and if it were my child, I would bring her to an orthodontist for a consult. Orthodontic consults are recommended by age 7 anyway, and are usually free. They can take the necessary x-ray to find out where the other front tooth is. All sorts of things could be going on...maybe the space is too small for the tooth to come in, maybe it isn't where it should be, growing in at an angle, or maybe it's congenitally missing (not there at all).

    Orthodontists also tend to think ahead to minimize future issues, so if other baby teeth come out later (certain ones can be more vital than others), he might recommend holding the space open with a spacer to allow enough room for the permanent tooth to come in (which is always larger than the baby tooth). They may not be able to treat the problem themselves (if it requires surgical assistance), but they will take everything into consideration before making a recommendation.

    Best of luck.

  2. Well I'm sure you know each child is different.  I would take her to the dentist and ask him but I'm sure there is no problem.  Good luck!

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