
Daughters weight and size causing concern?

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My daughter is 10 years old. She was always small barely 6 pounds at birth but now the school nurse is sending home forms and asking questions because they are concerned at how small she is. She is barely 60 pounds now and stands 4'8. This child eats from the time she wakes up till she goes to bed. I took her to the pediatrician and she said she was healthy and would eventually grow but she is nothing but skin and bones her 8 year old brother is already 2 inches taller and 20 pounds heavier. We have tried pediasure anyone know of anything else to help her gain some weight.




  1. Her doctor needs to run blood tests to rule out potential disorders.

    Some people just have naturally fast metabolisms (lucky ones if you ask me).  Encourage her to snack on healthy veggies and dip, apples and peanut butter, etc.

  2. Your daughter is fine, my daughter is 11 and weighs just about 60 lbs.  The doctor said she is not to skinny.  My daughter is small but she is healthy.  It sounds like our children have high metabolism.

  3. I had this problem when I was a teenager. I was 5'2" and 80 pounds. My parents accused me of having a eating disorder, The doctor said I didn't but put me in a hospital anyways. It just took a high protein, high calorie diet to make me gain a couple pounds and they let me go home. I lost it when I got back to normal activities but I was perfectly healthy. Once I was a little older, maybe 19/20yrs old I wasn't in as many sports and got up to a healthy 105lbs and then i had kids and when I'm not pregnant I stay around 120. So long as she has been medically checked out she will be fine.

  4. If your dr says everything is fine then I wouldn't worry about it.

    My daughter is almost 6 and weighs just 35 lbs,but is very tall.The dr pointed out to me that she was in the below 25% on the growth chart when she was born and has stayed there.He said it would only be a problem if she started going further down the chart. Feed your child healthy foods and don't worry about the nurse!

  5. well, my daughter is 7b and she only weighs 46 lbs! her dr, isn't concerned so neither am i! mine is just very active and has a fast metabolism! she is just petite! if the dr. starts having concerns then worry! it would show in tests if there was anything wrong!

  6. Time to get another pediatrician or two involved. Another option is to have evaluated by an endocrinologist. The current doc says she is ok. If you are concerned get second opinions or see a specialist. First and foremost, make sure the silly school nurse knows that the doc says she is ok and that the nurse has no more need to be involved.

    Remember this, no two of your children will be the same, each is unique, my daughter did not develop at nearly the pace of her brothers, boys tend to be taller and heavier than girls, and nobody can tell you that what is going on with your daughter unless they are trained to do so.

    See the docs and relax.

  7. I really wouldnt worry about it, It seems that you are making sure she is getting her nutrition and that is all that matters. I was the same way as a child, I actually came home crying in jr high because a teacher accused me of having an eating disorder and wanted to meet up with my parents. I was always a twig too so dont worry she'll fill out sooner or later(probably later, but she will!)

  8. If she has been thoroughly checked out and eats a lot then don't worry about it.  My aunt as a kid was the same way.  People were concerned about her because she was so skinny and assumed she was not being fed....quite the opposite!  She ate more than anyone in the family but just had a fast metabolism.  Now as an adult she has trouble losing weight!  I woudn't worry about long as you know she is healthy and eating well leave her be.

  9. My twins have always been small for their age. At age 10 my twins were a little shorter than that but only weighed about 54lbs and they are boys. They are 13 now and just went into puberty a while ago and they are growing like weeds now. I had to buy them new clothes last week because their patns went from fitting them one week to high wires the next LOL

    I wouldn't worry about it but there is a test your doctor can do where they take an Xray of the wrist and they can tell a lot from that, even when she will enter puberty and how tall she will end up being. I had the test done for my twins because they have always been so small for their age. My middle son is 10 now and weighs more than my twins do at 13. My 10 yr old is 88lbs and my twins are in the 70's. My 10 yr ols is built different. He is a solid kid (not overweight).

    My twins have always been good eaters too. Sometimes it's just how they are. My doctor told me that what is more important is that they grow each year. My twins have always been small but they grow what they should each year.

  10. My friend is exactly like that

    she is now 11 nearly 12 and 4 11' and a bit less than 70lbs

    a sixth grader

  11. Some people are small

    If this helps

    My seven year old daughter is 53" and 58lb

    She grow 3 to 4" a year and gain 3 or 4 pounds a year

    I firgure that when she get hips and breast, she will put on weight

    He weight is fine for her age, not for her height

    It's okay, some people are just small

    If the doctor think she is fine, and test for things everything is fine

    My daughter eats very well

    I would not worry, she will gain weigh

    For 48" 60lb seems fine, if she was seven, she would be normal

  12. Carnation Instant Breakfast is really good -- it contains lots of fiber and is very filling.

    My doctor had me take some (twice a day, but seeing as your daughter is only 10, you could get away with once a day) because I lost 8 pounds in 2 months from acid reflux. I'm naturally thin, but after the weight loss I only weighed 110 lbs, and I'm 5'6. Within 2 weeks, the weight was back on. Now I drink it on occasion when I feel like I'm losing weight.

    good luck.

  13. You should have her thyroid checked....

  14. We have the same problem with my 2yo being very small and skinny for her height.  She also had a pretty complete set of tests from pediatrician come back normal.  Not the doctor has encouraged me to think this is healthy normal for her.  We do try to get her to drink pediasure without much luck.  When she gets sick we try not to let her slip smaller.  

    But I would take the notes from the nurse as a question -- have you had this checked out.  simply reassure the school that she is being followed and nothing seems wrong at this tim.  After all, the nurse doesn't know that you already have been to the pediatrician.

    Best of luck.

  15. its completly fine i have a friend who's 13 and she is 4'10! she knows its normal because its a family thing she is small and so are her mom and granmother♥ also she eats very little and is always hyper so u get how she's  really skinny☻.

    the problem might just be a trait passed down in family or just a growth spurt she didnt hit i was that tall wehen i was 10 and now im almost 13 and my height is 5'8! and i weigh almost 100 pounds( i'm not overweight though! i am average)

  16. By chance she is not taking any medications is she? She sounds like she is eating fine, so they need to rule a few disorders. She probably has a high metabolism. But this can be due to many disorders one that comes to mind is the thyroid. But also their are blood disorders that can cause weight problems such as hemophelia and sickle cell anemia. Leukemia and several others lymphomas could be to blame. Also they should rule out the posibility of a viral infection, or intestinal parasite. Best of luck.

  17. make sure that she's getting all the nutrition that she needs and she'll be fine, could be that she's just going to be a slim person, but you can have her eat foods that are high in protein and increase her calorie intake gradually

  18. If the doctor says she is healthy, don't mess with it.

    So she is small and skinny for her age, some kids just are.

    My daughter is 6 and the smallest at her school, but all doctors say she is perfectly healthy, so I am just greatful for that.

    My goddaughter is 13 now and when she was 10 she might have been 50 lbs.

    Everyone grows at different rates.

    So just take a deep breathe, and cherish your little girl while she is still little.

  19. I wouldn't try to make her gain weight. The nurse may be concerned that something isn't right, but if her doc say everything is normal then just talk to the nurse about that.

  20. get her checked for thyroid disease

  21. put her on some vitamins and if she like the pedisure try the carnation instant breakfast it is loaded with vitamins we also see a growth specialist ever three months my daughter is 7 and is the same way she is 15 pounds under where she should be for her age. if she is a active child she may just be running alot of it off. but sounds like she is still a Farley god size for her age.

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