
Dave Cameron what a man! Is it commendable that he's gone all the way to Afghanistan to sort out the troops..?

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  1. It's a waste of time for a pointless photo opportunity and a crappy meaningless set of statements about soldiers' holidays which should be the business of some junior department member.  Great way of avoiding coming out with anything useful about the job he claims to be competent to do.

  2. has he, didn;t hear about that?

    ok have now, perhaps its a publicity stunt, however he still went, how many of you would go out there, armchair critics.

  3. shame it wasn't Brown!

  4. He's an insincere idiot!!  I'm not fooled!

  5. Davy Cameron cant sort out his hairstyle never mind the troops.It's a cheap publicity stunt for Davyboy to look all heroic and brave.

    It would be far more commendable if he stood up and said if I win this election then I will be withdrawing these brave men and women from this nightmare and some children will get to see their out there lives instead of being sacraficed for a Sociopath and his government in Washington DC.

    I amm also perturbed at this allegation against these men for allegedly plotting to kill Mr Brown.Go into any pub or bar across the UK and you'll hear many people saying that they'd do the same thing to the PM.

    Where is the justice in that.Off course I dont have access to the full facts of the conspiracy so I dont really know...but i do wonder if the timing was just right for the maximum impact it would generate for the PM and the machine that doctors spin and dis-information for the Powerful Politico's.

  6. yes,someone has to as they are treated like **** by this goverment

  7. He's pathetic. He's only going so he can try and score some points over Gordon Brown, using that to try and get people on his side is stupid.

  8. He's an opportunist, anything to get int he papers. Dodgy Dave just sees a photo opportunity, wonder if his chauffeur was following behind, out of shot of course.  

  9. But would Boy Blue bring them home? Would he h**l!

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