
Dave Ramsey questions?! :)?

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I have become serious about getting out of debt. I have gotten to a point where I can't make minimum payments but I REFUSE to borrow money to stay on top. That's what has gotten me where I am now. I have a few questions for you DR fans. I've read the total money makeover and I'm ready to get are my questions:

a.) What did you sell @ your garage sell? Did ebay work for you? I live in an apt.

b.) How do you save for an emergency fund when you're not current on bills?

c.) How did you get your spouse on board? Mine is not willin to give up certain activities to save $$ and it's causing a bit of conflict.

d.) Any suggestions/success stories?

I want to get motivated, and I'm ready to tackle this. It's not even about a credit score to me anymore, it's just about a piece of mind!!




  1. D.) I'm completely debt free. I heard about Dave Ramsey and looked at his site. Very helpful! I watch his tv show too. Even though I'm debt free. I have completely changed my lifestyle. I am less dependent on things.

    a) I don't Ebay. Try selling clothes you don't wear, books, or things you don't use anymore. You could also posting them on Craig's List to avoid fees. Agree to meet the buyer in a public place.

    b.) I opened up an ING Direct account and got the $25 deposit from the company. I just started depositing a small amount of money each paycheck. No matter how small it builds up over time.

    c.) I didn't have this problem. We both just settled on a goal...a big goal...something we both would benefit from. So when we got done with paying off all our debts...we took a very nice all paid for vacation :). Write your plan of attack on paper. Is there a way you can split the debt? You pay your share and he pays his. You can let him have his activities but he needs to still come up with additional money to cover the debt. Good luck to you on this one.

  2. a) Everything

    b) You DON'T.  You SLASH your spending and /or GO EARN MORE money to get current.

    c) Marriage counseling.  Total Money Makeover LIVE Event.

    d) Visit and find a radio station that carries Dave's radio show.  Success stories call every Friday to yell "I'm Debt Free!"  The website also has success stories.

  3. a.) ebay everything...I am always amazed what I get for stuff.

    b.) I think you should get your bills take care of frist but that is just me

    c.) Divorce

    d.) no

  4. a) a sofa, bed, table, chairs, and car.

    b) you don't.  Step 0 - get current.  Step 1 - save $1,000. Step 2 - attack the debts.

    c) I'm single, so that doesn't apply to me.

    d) still strugling.  But making progress.

  5. a)- everything you can. I don't use Ebay but many people have success especially since you live in an apartment

    b) get current first, get a second job, cut your spending, etc.

    c)s/he should come around, divorce is not the answer. Counseling, live event will help. But s/he will clober you if you keep saying "well dave says..."!! My husband was reluctant. I finally showed him the total amount of debt, the total minimum amounts due, the amount of time it would take to get out using minimums & our ages at that point. That helped. He still relapses sometimes but we don't have any credit cards (for 3 years now) and when he relapeses, I show him how far we have come and then the end. (Yes, I am the nerd in the his book, you will understand.) Until s/he is on board, cut your own spending to get current. But show that you aren't current to him/her and what is happening because of it. Start a budget and show him/her that they have a voice too. They get their own weekly blow money to spend on whatever (and they can save it up for a big blow item) and if something comes up (family reunion or whatever) that they just MUST go to have them help you fit it into the budget. I have to do this to keep my husband motivated. I would love to be on an even leaner budget but I know that won't work so I compromise- we still put a TON on debt but every once in a while we budget some fun money (date night, a cheap golf outing (usually with coupons), etc).

    d) we are still working on ours but we don't fight about money, we have the same goals and we have less stress. Also listen to him on Friday's for the debt free calls. They are great. Even the other days, some of the storys remind me, oh we aren't doing so bad!

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