
Dave wants to tax the rich, why is Labour holding back?

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Dave shows caring face like Wolf in Red Riding Hood or the

Trojan Wooden Horse. How do we know which way they will

turn if they gained power? Anyway if we wanted a caring party

we've already got one in Labour. We know whose interests

the Tories really stand for . The rich. Always, always, Always




  1. I have been saying this till Im blue in the face! Vote for the party that promises to bring in the policies you  mostly agree  with. If they renege on this, we as a country should boot them out! We do not have to wait for an election to voice our protest. As for the poster who said "dont vote", that epitomises the apathy there is in this country. Look at your history, people died to get you the vote, use it. As far as I'm concerned Dave Cameron said he will tackle the issues that concern the majority of this country, this is more than GB has said, he is more concerned about getting us to "believe" in him than doing anything.  Besides there is nothing left for the Conservatives to tax apart from fresh air! You believe the Labour party cares? As a lifelong supporter, TB and his crew have destroyed my faith. The founding fathers of the movement, who were workers, will be spinning in their graves.

    How do we know "which way they will turn" ? Look how TB turned, had he declared his full intentions in the manifesto they would never have gained power.  Politicians are untrustworthy because we allow them to be, they are our servants not our masters, that is what we as an electorate have lost sight of.

  2. Because there are more peasants than rich folk. If your trying to suss out the Tories just think they stopped the school milk negative equity 15% interest de nationalisation the list is as long as your arm the labour gov has dropped some right clangers but they have spent the last 10yrs puting rihgt thedamage the tories did

  3. Dave wants to tax the rich? Fair enough. Labour have been bleeding the rest of us for long enough.

  4. Labour a caring party   -    That might have been the case prior to 1997, but since Blair got the job as PM, Labour's caring principles have disappeared.

    Blair and Brown following on, are two of the biggest liars and cheats that have ever held the prestigious position of Prime Minsiter of Britain.

    If Brown had stolen as much money as he has other than from the pensioners and others in this country, he would spend the rest of his days in prison.  The man is a money thief, he can't think about it without wanting to steal it.

    Blair was just a liar about anything and everything and is a war criminal to boot.   He is responsible for the death of possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and then there are the hundreds of British Service personel who have paid with their lives for his WARGAMES, well that's what he thinks they are.

    Dont talk about caring Labour, they only care for foreigners and everything that is ANTI-BRITISH.

  5. Dave doesn't want to tax all the rich.  The rich who live overseas but keep their money in the UK - now they can't vote for him so they're fair game.

    It's time all political manifestos carried a message:

    Warning. We reserve the right to change any of our policies in the event of people actually voting for us.

  6. I don't think he will get in anyway, that being said though I'm not a Labour supporter not a Tory, if i am made to choose it is Lib Dems for me.

  7. As they say on the telly  - this was a broadcast on behalf of the Labour party.  Dave ain't gonna get in, and Labour have no need to tax the rich - why bleed their friends dry when they can suck the life out of the rest of us.  Lets all vote BNP - we might not like all they stand for but at least you get what it says on the tin!

  8. new labour are in the pockets of the rich and powerfull. they have been from the start.....the crooks lied to the people to get votes. they are as far right conservative as it gets. you have a situation where all thee parties are there for the rich. not the people.

  9. Nah they`re all as bad as each other, no of them are realy there for us, just to line their own pockets.

  10. labour has lied to us for ten years and never answer a question with a straight answer

  11. Who is Dave?

  12. When has he said that?  (If he did, I would not believe it.)

    And to those who say "don't vote" I say, if you do not want to vote, do not complain about who you have in power.

    There are countries that you can live in if you do not want to have to vote.  

    Saudi Arabia



  13. dave will never get in to power.

  14. Cameron doesn't want to tax his rich mates.  He simply wants to con gullible voters into thinking that he will reduce their tax, while actually redistributing the same tax burden over a different range of activities.

    Labour has plugged numerous tax loopholes exploited by the rich over the last 10 years and the Tories have regularly complained about them (Lorne used to regularly publish a list which he called Labour's stealth taxes).

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