
David Beckham's olympic soccer ball kick?

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Do you think that the lucky volunteer that received that soccer ball will be allowed to keep it or will the Chinese Government take it of him and put it in a museum, maybe even giving it to someone who is important in the government?




  1. The dude will get robbed, or thieves will sneak into his house and steal it, unless he can manage to sell it on ebay)

  2. seriously...?

    please stop furthering these rumors about the chinese government... becks is great, but no one cares that much about a ball he kicked to put into a museum...

  3. Beckham's infamous soccer ball kick was disgraceful... i was expecting him to do something slightly tricky. instead he just stood there and kicked the ******* thing.

    i don't think the soccer ball is museum worthy. infact if it was me, i'd sell it on ebay. you'd be suprised how much some morons would be willing to pay for that.  

  4. who cares jimmy page was play whole lotta love that was the real treat

  5. Nahh.. s/he is probably going to sell it.

  6. Actually, a Japanese athlete caught it.

    The NBC commentators couldn't tell the difference between Japanese people and Chinese people... but the word JAPAN on the receiver's jacket would have been a good clue.

  7. HAHA nice one

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