
David Beckham - closing ceremony: what?!?

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I understand how popular Becks is in Britain but I thought it was pretty dumb to have him there.

He plays for the LA Galaxy and has moved to the USA with that robotic troll and their kids. I just thought it didn't make much sense to have a guy representing your country when he doesn't live there anymore and doesnt play there.

Did anybody else think this was odd?




  1. I've never cared much for Beckham.  Too overrated and overhyped

    for me.

    Perhaps Beckham was in the closing ceremony because Britain

    really has no one else who can even come close to his worldwide

    fame and recognition.  h**l, they had to use Phelps for their

    London gig, so that's got to tell you something about their

    really short list of world renowned athletes.

  2. Not at all.

    He did play a role in the London 2012 bid as part of the presentation team (having grown up in the East End.) So therefore, it made PLENTY of sense. And if I'm not mistaken, wasn't he living in Madrid (or at least playing for Real Madrid) at time of award of Games?

  3. Many players of basketball of the USA play here in Brazil, did they won't being from  USA?

  4. Well, he's pretty much been British all his life, and only recently became an American. So I would consider him a Brit still.

  5. not really

  6. But he is still British...

    And more importantly that is who we all want to see, a real superstar of sports, there is no british bigger than him

  7. the reason he will have been there is because he is a British sportsmen who is recognised worldwide

    no point sending any other British sportsmen when half the people watching wouldn't even know who they are

  8. I can see him being there because that is his home country and he was there to support it.  I thought that the whole thing was a little weird.  Leona Lewis was there and I couldn't understand if she was singing or what she was doing.  David Beckham kicked a soccer ball and those weird dancers.  I didn't know what was the point.  Can't wait to see what they do in 2012.

  9. He's still a British citizen. He's just working abroad. Why take it on someone working abroad?

  10. david is s**y leave him alone

  11. just cuz he plays for a american team and makes a living in american dollars doesn't make him an american and not a brit.

  12. I thought it was pretty odd.  For me, he didn't represent London, England.  He was simply a soccer star who used to live there.  Come on, they could have done better than HIM!!  lol

  13. No, he is Beckham

  14. They used his profile to promote the Olympic Games in London.  No problem with that.

    He would be the world's best known football player, so it makes sense.

    If the Olympics were in Paris, I'm sure Thierry Henry would be kicking the ball.

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