
David Icke Is he right about big brother?

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Mr Icke thinks its a worldwide orchestrated effort. And although its a frightening thought ,Could he be right?




  1. Haltemprice was Alan B'Stard's constituency

  2. I agree with him on this. I mean even a broken clock is right twice a day!

  3. David Icke's policies are all gradually being implemented by New Labour.

  4. Personally I believe him to have a point on some issues!On others!Well they do tend to be somewhat 'clouded'!!

  5. He is just after further notoriety.

  6. well virtually the whole of Europe's population is having its country's given away from under them by a huge unaccountable n**i style federation and are told you don't get a vote. couple that with the only country that did get a vote had their vote completely ignored, followed by the treaty being illegally ratified by the rest!!....yea I'd say there's a sinister world organisation playing a huge game of chess. but don't blame them. blame your self for not putting a stop to it. this is your country. and your children's future. i suppose the very second we uttered those words 'well what can i do, I'm just one person'.....they won. all three main political parties are in this thing together. thats why the EU referendum was silenced by all three parties. at the next election the people of Britain need to vote for ANY! party other than the main three. or kiss their country and their childrens future good by.

  7. Yes, he is, but that does not distract from the fact that he is a raving nutter.

  8. From out of the mouth of babes and lunatics come words of simple truth.

    It is difficult for many of us to believe that their own government has conspired even with its enemy to form a global power base.

    Their are  many examples of a conspiracy of concerted actions by governments, aided by scientists and the media to convince the population that what is an outright blatant lie,  is in fact the truth and that to dissent makes you an enemy of the state or of the planet.

    Let me give you an example. Smoking.

    Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer, it's proven science, except that the scientist who discovered this scientific breakthrough was in fact  secretly receiving     thousands of dollars a year from chemical companies desperate to steer any clinical investigation into cancer away from their products.

    Passive or Secondhand Smoking.

    You have seen the adds, babies breathing out smoke. You have seen smokers barred from smoking inside buildings and made to shiver in the cold. Smoking shelters have to be open on three sides.

    The sad thing is  that this issue had nothing whatsoever to do with health but was designed and is succeeding in breaking up the meetings of friends, and thus reducing the risk of a confrontation between an informed public and the government.

    Since July last year 283 Social clubs have closed their doors and pubs are shutting down at the rate of five a week. Post Offices where pensioners meet and chat are being closed by orders of the EU, and Bingo Halls are struggling to survive.

    Well children shouldn't have to breathe in other peoples cigarette smoke it's bad for them, innit?

    Actually according to the largest study into passive smoking ever completed, The World Health Oranisation's report revealed that the children of smokers were 16 - 20%  LESS

    Likely to contract lung cancer than children of non-smokers. In other words the opposite of the line taken by the government is true. Secondary smoking is not harmful it is actually good for you.

    Don't take my word for it, check out the report for yourselves.

    But the real issue is this; if governments are prepared to collude together internationally to achieve their control using lies and fake science over something like smoking, how far will they go to achieve their goal of ending democracy and gaining immeasurable power and wealth?

    Yes David Icke may well be a nut, but that does not make him either a fool or a liar.

  9. Hi Trish,

    You shouldn't believe a word this nutter says. He is a conspiracy theorist. A narcissistic lunatic.

    He says that the government built gyms with lots of treadmills in them, to control people. That if they keep running and get nowhere, they are controlable.

    He also thinks serpents rule this planet and that there aren't wars going on, the government are just showing us films.

    He once went on Wogan and said he was the son of God and wore turquoise as it brought him closer to God.

  10. No, he's an utter loon if he genuinely believes a cabal of shapeshifting lizard aliens secretly rule the world.

  11. *edit

    Interesting question but Icke is not the first to mention Big Brother . . . Orwell was.  And yes, Orwell was pretty much correct. . .  Surveillance, corruption of language, informer schemes, wiretapping, info databases. But much of this was already present even before Orwell wrote about it.  It just depended on which country one was talking about.  In America, history was rewritten for the Amerindians almost immediately.

    Icke is a real (but entertaining) piece of work.  I would shun him and look for more reliable sources.  Although fascinating, 'Research' coming from a man who claims to be regularly contacted telepathically by alien lizards from the 4th dimension who are supposedly in cahoots with governments which allow them to kidnap humans for food in exchange for advanced 4d technology is questionable.  The 4D stuff is fascinating to me so I have read Icke but I quickly realized he wasn't all there.  Maybe he had a nervous breakdown or something from which he hasn't yet recovered.

    He appears to have paranoid schizophrenic and messianic tendencies.  His message in _The Matrix_ is contradictory from his earlier books in which he supported a "one-world" green, globalist ideology, yet later he essentially condemns this ideology except in the case of the "Law of One".


    I guess the only way to form a proper opinion about any author is to actually read ~him yourself.  But read with a critical eye and remember that just because someone is an author, doesn't make ~him an expert.  Check sources too!

    Speculation is the first step to discovery and I enjoy exploration.  If you do as well, try Carl Sagan, particularly if you are interested in 4D/explanations in lay terms.

    Dr Quantum proves an entertaining animation n the same subject:

  12. David Icke is an absolute lunatic. He believes the royal family are reptiles for goodness sake.

    That's not to say that there isn't a possibility it's true - but take into consideration all the other completely bizarre things he believes in and it looks unlikely.

  13. Is he still wearing those turquoise shell suits? lol

  14. might have a point. I'm not a  particularly paranoid person.  i guess he believes in what he says. so good luck to him.

  15. He is right about the new world order, the war on terror is taking all our rights away just take a look at the changes to our laws since 9/11, he travels the world going to meetings talking to 1000's of people regarding theories seems to know what he is taking about on some things.

  16. Well, Icke is the man who stated that the Duke of Edinburgh was a giant alien blood drinking lizard who masqueraded as a human being while covertly ruling over us. Observing the Duke's appearance and behaviour over the years it seems to me that Icke might well be right about his pedigree so it isn't inconceivable he's right about Big Brother as well!

    Just joking!

  17. hes right about some things like the world government

    do some research on the "New World Order" it is not a conspiracy theory ive spent hours on this subject its very real.

  18. Who does he think is going to win?

  19. 100% righ t- but he won't say who's really in control.

    He tries to say that there's somebody above the Zionist banking dynasties -the Rothschilds in particular - but nobody else has  ever found anybody else.

  20. David Icke is cunning choosing to run in that election.  It gets him loads of free publicity which I'm sure he hopes will bring him more money in book sales and appearance fees.

    However, the stuff that comes out of his mouth is, to be polite, complete and utter nonsense.

    > He claims a "network of interbreeding families" - that includes the Bush family - are trying to form a world government.

    He says the New York terror attacks were the work of this Illuminati <

    Anyone who believes that should see a doctor.

  21. If true Icke won't be breathing or have his story out.

    An organization with those kind of funds and ability would have no problem making someone like him disappear.

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