
David Milliband, how dare he claim the British People are behind Georgia?

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Bill R, at least I wasn`t an accident mate. . and Georgia did actually attack first.




  1. you bet ye they did.

  2. You know how it is. You get somebody who has more power than us the public of the UK and they speak for everybody regardless of how we really think and feel. They seem to think that most of us are stupid or uneducated enough to have ideas and opinions ourselves. I was angry with the mistake that our government made back in 2003 regarding the war on Iraq and look what happened there. Thousands of innocents slaughtered, soldiers killed, be headings and torture of innocent hostages, more terrorist attacks and threats to many countries who weren't involved in the conflict. Now we have issues all over the world with certain countries but because the USA have to be the big school in the playground, they try to drag everybody else into their line of thinking. I say leave it up to the Russians and Georgians to sort out because we have enough problems in this country and in others with those wars that we started and haven't finished yet. If America wishes to get involved, then that's their affair, we shouldn't follow them everywhere they go.

  3. georgia never attacked russia, your parents should have used a condom

    good to here about your conception, but no georgia never attacked russia they attacked seperatists the russians were supporting, much like all those homegrown terrorists in your country are being supported by the saudis, im not defending the georgians, i think they shouldent have launched that offensive in ossetia (not russia), but the russians responded by invading georgia, if they were to go into ossetia and kick the georgians out it would have been fine but they invaded georgian territory

    the west is still free, the russians are still experts at propaganda please dont ever forget that

  4. David Milliband is a muppet

  5. Me too. I feel that the government just do what they like regardless of what we think. For instance does he want us to go to war with Russia - knowing that our MPs have various bunkers that they will go to?

  6. Since when did the Labour feel they need to ask the public about anything oh yeah election time.

  7. Georgia did NOT attack first. Russia moved more so called 'peace keepers' into the disputed areas [without agreement]well before the recent dispute started and for weeks. the separatists had been attacking Georgian forces. This situation was a typical border provocation as used by the n***s to attack Poland etc. As for supporting Georgia, you should remember it is an independent state with a seat at the United nations. If Russia gets away with its invasion in Georgia, it will turn to the Ukraine next and continue threatening Poland.

  8. I share your views entirely.Its sickening to see the Labour party dancing to Bush's tune.

  9. Hee Hee, our politicians are really quite stupid aren't they ? They will do almost anything so they can dine at top table with the big boys like America. Remember how Tony Blair used to go on about ' Britain punching above it's weight in international affairs ' ? Well, that was a pretty stupid analogy, but if our politicians will insist on using matcho boxing metaphors, any fighter who punches above his weight usually ends up getting a severe beating from a heavier opponent. One day I fear the strutting fools who run this country will lead us into a serious serious mess.

  10. Nothing pisses me off more than when politicians say that the Uk are behind the decision 100% since when. There are enough conflicts that we are involved in that far too many troops are getting killed in already let David Milliband put a flak jacket on and face the music.

  11. I am also unhappy about our Government taking sides in this matter. Unfortunately, they are our elected representatives - and in that position take decisions on our behalf. I wouldn't have backed the decision to invade Iraq - however the matter was discussed in Parliament.

    The Georgia situation highlights a matter that is quite worrying. If Georgia is allowed into NATO - we are committed to defending them. Which is a concern given their President launched this assault on the people of South Ossetia. Had they been a member on 8th August we would be at war with Russia right now.

    The Conservatives appear also to back Georgia for NATO entry. I haven't heard the Lib Dems position. How we voice our opposition isn't clear either. There is the StopTheWar Coalition - but despite a massive protest - they weren't successful with the Iraq war. However, I sense the British public are less willing to accept Government advice after the Iraq fiasco with WMD  and the blatant hypocrisy we have heard from politicians telling Russia their action is outrageous - when it seems they have simply intervened to prevent a massacre*. The line from Russia is appearing to be closer to the truth than the accusations of the West.

    (*Human Rights Watch on the radio tonight have confirmed their observers have evidence that Georgia violated International Law through the use of 'indiscriminate weapons' on residential areas of S.Ossetia.)


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