
Davis Alistar Lawson?

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my sister is about o have her first child just wondering what u think of her name choice




  1. For me...don't like it.Tell her to try David Andrew (William,Robert,James) Lawson

  2. Davis is cute

  3. Alistar, Alistair, Alasdair all of these are old scottish names.

    Davis Alistar is a good strong name.

  4. very grown up name for a little person

  5. Honestly... With all 3 of those being surnames it kind of sounds like an attorney's office... Like "The Law Offices of Davis, Alistar and Lawson"

    Good luck!

  6. It sounds a little..."jumbly" to


  7. OMG i do not like it one bit where did she get the name Alistar? the movie What a Girl Wants i hate the name

  8. Davis does not go with Alistar why doesnt she try

    Alistair as a first name its lovely and spelt this way is classy

  9. It is good what about Keaton Davis Lawson

  10. Nope definitely not a fan of that name, poor kid.  The last names the only one I like.....  although I suppose Alastair is bearable spelt that way....

    If she's really intent on Davis and Alastair at least have the common sense to swap them around to make it Alastair Davis Lawson

  11. Looks like a typo for David Alistair. Davis is a surname.

    So no, I don't like it. I think parents should go out of their way to avoid their kids having to explain spelling or pronunciation to everyone they ever meet.

  12. Davis is a nice alternative to David, I like it. As for Alistar, its different but I find it cute.
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