
Davydenko's other job??

by  |  earlier

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tennis isn't paying enough these days??

davydenko had to get another job, he's been acting.-

what do you think??





  1. well sometimes people have other interests .. he did a pretty good job there maaanz !

  2. stephanek plays the part better than davydenko...

  3. haha, he did a pretty good job in that movie.-

    the guy above was right, stepanek also worked there, maybe they were stunt men for the other?


  4. ...umm...obviously you haven't been watching too much tennis...?

    He's been in the top ten for God knows how long not to mention securing the 3/4 spot. (What's your ATP ranking?)

    This year specifically?

    He's made the finals of Estoril, won Warsaw,  Poertschach AND Indian Wells (a Masters Series event...which I'm sure you have no idea idea what that is)

    Believe it or not, I don't even like him...I just HATE ignorance.

  5. lol I was under the impression Stepanek was playing that part: com/watch?v=dXLqDrCW2fw&feature=related

    (Pls get rid of the space)

    May be they alternate?

  6. haha lolz!!!!!!!!

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