
Day 21 progesterone level?

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i have pcos and was put on provera this last month to induce a period. my doctor had me do a day 21 progesterone test and it came back with a level of 6.9 and i read on the internet 10 is normal is that accurate? i go to the doctor in mid august and am just curious i suspect this means i did not ovulate which is why i was given clomid to try when hubby returns in sept.




  1. 10 and higher is considered an acceptable ovulation.  For a medicated cycle, they want to see over 20.

    The only thing I want to add is taking the test on CD21 works ONLY if you ovulate on CD14.  Otherwise, what the doctor should have done is test you at 7DPO, that is the way the test should be given.  So if you were 7DPO at the time, your test is accurate.  If you weren't, then you may need to retest.

    Good luck.

  2. Some doctors consider even 7 as normal, but 6.9 is clearly on the low side.  10 and above is usually a good sign that ovulation probably occured.  however, if you have irregular cycle, it could very well be that you ovulate later than 21 day.

    if you have pcos, you should strongly consider taking metformin.  by the time your hubby returns, that med may help bring your cycle back to normal and ovulating normally (even without clomid).

    Good luck.

  3. From personal research, many doctors say that over 5 shows some "ovulatory action" - not necessarily ovulation but the hormones gearing up for it . . . over 10 is considered normal and over 15 is common in a medicated cycle.  

    It sounds like you may be borderline and that clomid may push you into a solid ovulation . . .just beware of the side effects - hot flashes, headaches, mood swings . . .no fun but completely worth it if it works!

    Have fun when hubby returns - sending you baby dust!

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