
Day 23 of 28day cycle, positive and negative HPT, yes or no?

by  |  earlier

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Here's the story to date:

Currently on day 23 of 28day cycle, clearblue negative yesterday but very faint line in test line section on suresign test strips, so took another clearblue today and again it was negative, took another suresign test strip today and a clear line, far darker than yesterday in test line section.

I don't know what to make of all this? AF not due until 3rd Sept




  1. Yes, you are preggo. If the line is there no matter how faint it is a yes. Call the hotline on the brand that said yes. They will verify this. Congrats. The other test just isn't as sensitive as the + one

  2. I don't know what suresign test strips are, but if it's a pregnancy test and you got even a faint line, you're pregnant. Depending on how dilute your urine was when you took the test, it could make it be negative, especially so early when your hormones are just building up. If you have a Target by you, I highly recommend going there and getting a Target pregnancy test, I have found them to be the absolute best, and taking in first thing tomorrow morning, after your pee has had time to soak in Good luck and congratulations!!

    Also: I am not a fan of Clearblue Easy...they just aren't reliable.

  3. You are still very early, test again in the morning, but try to hold your fluids some the night before, so your urine will be more concentrated. i tested four days early and got a very strong positive, but i made sure my urine was kind of dark so i would know for sure. If it's light or kind of clear, it's less concentrated unfortunately. Good luck to you, hope u get the answer u are looking for :)  

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