
Day 30 of 34 day cycle - feel pregnant but negative test results?

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Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone had any advise on symptoms of pregnancy - I am on month 3 of trying to conceive my 2nd baby. I am experiencing lots of signs of pregnancy - tender sore b*****s, moodiness, vivid dreams, upset stomach, skin breakouts, bloating and just a general feeling of pregnancy.

I know its early but I have done a couple of early pregnancy tests which have been negative.

I would love to hear if anybody else is in the same boat or has had the same symptoms and has in fact been pregnant.

Im afraid to get my hopes up in case it is my body playing tricks with me as I lwould ove to have another child.

I have not been on any birth control.




  1. You may be pregnant, or you may not.

    Unfortunately, many of those symptoms are also the symptoms of PMS.

    Also, the mind has a way of playing tricks on us.  If you've heard of the Placebo effect, you know that people can perceive symptoms simply because they want to.  

    I don't mean to dash your hopes.  Since you haven't passed the normal day of your period, it's still unclear.

    Have you tried charting your daily basal temperature?  It's really easy to do.  You just write your temperature at the same time each morning.  (You have to wake up every day at the same time and take the temperature right there in bed, but then you can always go back to sleep right after.)  If you do that, you can see when you are ovulating.  Then about fourteen days later, it's pretty easy to see if you're pregnant.  The temperature goes up when you ovulate.  If you get pregnant, your temperature stays high.  If you're not, it goes down for about the last 5 days before your period.

    If you are interested, you can also keep track of your vaginal mucus.  It sounds a little gross/tricky, but it's really simple if you get the hang of it.

    Good luck to you and your familly!

  2. feel pregnant? Did you do anything that causes pregnancy? maybe you're just fat. How would we know. Day 30 isn't very early to find out..

  3. I know this is a duh but go to the doctor they can tell. but yes there is the possibility that it is a phantom pregnancy.

  4. You def. want to see your doctor as soon as possible. Sometimes you may be pregnant and the pregnancy tests will not show up until a month in.. Especially if this is your 2nd baby. Your doctor will be able to do a sonogram and let you know. Plus, if you aren't pregnant.. But most likely you are pregnant.. That woman's intuition will always be the best to follow. Make an appointment as soon as you can! Best wishes and good luck!

  5. I have three children and each time was very different.  The only one I was sure I was pregnant before a test was the middle child my son.  It had nothing to do with how my body felt I just knew.  As far as the other signs I sometimes have all of them and I am not pregnant, but if you think you might be and what to know for sure you could go to your doctor or if not a choice or not comfortable you could also go to planned parenthood.  They would do it for free.  Good Luck.

  6. I SWORE a few months ago that I was pregnant. I was 8 days late. The pregnancy test came up negative. Guess what---those things are accurate. :( Sounds like you're just having PMS symptoms.

  7. if you are really wishing, it may be a "phantom" pregnncy...

    just relax, take your mind off of it for a few days, then take the test again... good luck :) x

  8. wait abit longer and retry the tests

  9. Go to the doctor and take a test. sometimes those tests are duds. and dont work

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