
Day Care Prices? Is it too much?

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I recently started working again. I haven't ever had my kids in day care so I would like to know if you think this is reasonable to pay? I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old. My 4 year ld goes to pre-school classes 2 days per week. I drop them off at 7:30 and I pick them up at 5:30. On Wednesday they get picked up at 2. My day care provider is very good, she has a center in her basement that is designed to be like a preschool classroom with all kinds of activies like painting and puzzles and pretend play. She does all kinds of art projects with them. She does feed them Breakfast, Lunch and 2 snacks everyday. I pay $150 per week for my 2 year old and $3.00 per hour for my 4 year old. This ends up being about $230 weekly. Am I paying too much? This seems like an awful lot of money. What do you think? Should I look for care elsewhere that isn't so expensive-or is this the going rate these days?? ANy help would be appreciated!




  1. I think your paying about average for two kids. Day care is rather expensive these days.

  2. I currently pay 211 a week for my 15 month old and I pay 158 for my 4 year old who also is in daycare and preschool.  Then I am pregnant now and I may not be returning to work because two kids at 211 a week and my 4 year old's fee it will kill me.   Oh and I have a 13 year old in private school.  Now that I write this why do I work.  After I pay tuition's I very little left if any.  So yeah I am seriously thinking of staying home because my money does not help out at home anyway.  My husband might like a stay at home wife  

  3. That sounds about right, considering that she does it from her home.

  4. My son goes to a homedaycare they charge 150/week

    He is 5 months.

  5. That sounds good to me.  I am a licensed home daycare provider that offers all the same things you mentioned.  I am available to my families for 10 hours a day, five days a week.  I charge $125 for anyone over two and $160 for two and under's.  That means for your children , you would pay me $285 per week.    I am about to have my accreditation and then my prices will go up to $175 per week for all ages.  

    My fees are comparable to those in my area.

    She IS getting paid wonderfully to stay home with her kids....and yours too.  That's the beauty of this great profession!!

    Peace of mind when it comes to your children's care is way more important than any $$ amount.  Be happy that you have found someone that you can be secure knowing your children are in good hands.  :-)

  6. If after paying taxes and daycare from your paycheque do you have at least that much left over?  Working to pay the babysitter is crazy.

    Do they have subsidized daycare where you live?  Here (Quebec) all the daycare's have to be government certified and they make $40/day per child, regardless of how many hours they spend there in a day.  However, the government pays for most of it, parents only pay $7/day per child.  Is there a sweet deal like that going on in your area?  Would be worth it to check on it.

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