I'm a day care provider. I just started watching a 1 yr old who screams & cries almost the whole time. The afternoons are better. But she either wants me to hold her or be near her in the same room. If I walk to the kitchen where she can still see me, she throws a fit cuz I left the room. When I put her in her high chair to eat, she throws a fit. When I lay her down for a nap, she throws a fit. I hope this is just an adjustment period, but my sister had the same issue w/ a different child, she tried for 2 mos & finally couldn't do it any more.
What can I do to help this child adjust & to get her to stop throwing fits! It's unfair to the other children & my family. It disrupts everyone elses sleep schedule. Her Mom & I are aquaintences, so it would be very hard for me to tell her I can't watch her kid any more, I don't know if I could do it. I want to give it a try for at least 2 wks though. Should I just ignor her cries & go about my normal buisness?