
Day Care VS SAHP?

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recent studies, which show children who are in quality daycare actually do better in school. One done by four major universities found these children had better math, language and social skills because of their daycare experience.

"They learn routines, how to share with others, getting along with other kids and even teachers. And even following the rules I think is very beneficial when they walk in the door in kindergarten," said Dr. Kay Halverson of Florida Gulf Coast University.

Their children are usually so well adjusted and happy. They've had quality daycare they get to go home to a loving family that will actually spend time and interact with them. And I have parents who have stayed home who have not been involved with their children and you can see a big difference in that," Lisa said. (lisa is a K teacher)

Experts agree the common denominator for success in school is quality, whether it's time in a quality childcare center or quality time with parents at home!




  1. i'm still for SAHP, why? Because that way the child actually bonds with me, instead of a daycare representative.

    This leads to a better relationship when they get older.

    Sure daycare once in a while is ok, but just shelling out cash for day-care 5 days a week or more is just wasteful.

    I'm assuming of course that the parents are in a position where both dont need to work.

  2. When I started kindergarten over 40 years ago, most mothers stayed at home. However, I remember that most children who started kindergarten (which, by the way, was optional at the time. Many children started school in first grade) did not know anything about reading or how to write their letters. It was not expected that they should know these things. Children did not spend their time learning. Instead, they mostly played.

  3. Forget it, stay at home mothers today will tell you the same as me.  Of course, we have been told to say "mind your own business" and "it's none of your business" concerning people's children without telling you why.  Now why do you think that is?  I know the answer but I wonder if you do.   I'm being honest here, the data is limited to not only manipulation tactics but also full of assumption and outright false considering the facts that it's data and not how I see parents offering up routine along with raising their children.

  4. As Whaler said, it's quality of time parents spend with kids, not quantity. A lot of SAHPs park their kids in front of the TV for hours.

    My daughter goes to a fantastic daycare and loves it. All day long, they do art projects, listen to music, play, hear stories, go out for rides in the "baby buggy," do activities. She learns things from the other kids (how to share) and is happy to interact with a variety of people.

    You need to research daycares before you pick one. There is a world of difference between bad daycare and good. Be prepared to pay...a lot...for the good ones.

  5. Ok, what's the percentage of children that get the "quality daycare"?.  Just another article based on opinion and no facts.

  6. If she is going to give the child attention and love then it is way better than the child being in day care. A mother's love and compassion cannot be equally substituted. Yes, there may be day care people who are very loving, but they do not have that intimate bond that a mother has with her child. I still don't believe that Day Care is better for a child than a stay at home mother would be.

    EDIT @ Christine: I think that what you said is very true.

  7. I generally do not listen to much to either side of this arguement. It all depends on the parents. there are many SAHP that are just lazy parents, does staying home with a lazy unsupportive parent help? It is the quality of time you spend with your kids. Kids are a lot smarter than many people give them credit for, and understand schedules and routines very well.

    Quality parents find quality daycare providers and spend the needed time when everyone is home together.

    On personal experience, my parents used to watch my daughter while I worked, after they passed away and she went to daycare she opened up from being a very shy girl, and this has only helped her in educational, and personal life.

  8. What all young children need is the constant presence of a caring, qualified adult. These people abound in day care centres, contrary to popular belief. It shouldn't be an either-or proposition.

  9. Is a parent staying at home the best solution- no its not.    For some yes it is-  but for others its not.  Children of educated parents tend to do better than children whose parents have only a high school education, also.    

    During my children's early years they had a nanny and we used the before and after school programs at their school (it was a private school and was part of the tuition).   They did far more things and participated in more activities than if one of us had stayed home with them.

  10. I think if a mother can stay at home for the first couple of years(not always possible I know) then defer to daycare help, that will provide for a good, well-rounded child.

    Daycares are good but too many parents count on daycares to do the child-raising when that is always and should always be the parents job.

  11. Well my 2 year old daughter stays with an older lady who takes very good care of her. I stay with her 95% of the time. I would love to stay home with her but when your single you have to work to take care of her. we spend tons of time together. i read to her everynight. I take her to the zoo and to the park. I am teaching her things. I am trying to be a good parent.

    I can't really answer this without feeling guilty about leaving her. but a stay at home parent would be the best thing I guess. this study sounds good. but some kids do not do as well. so who knows what the right answer is. i think it depends on the kid and how they feel about being away from the parents. does this make any sense at all? God Bless

  12. I completely agree - my ex's daughter went to daycare and she was so sociable and bubbly and confident around other children - I think it really gave her a headstart more than anything :-)

  13. I don't know. My mother raised me and by the time I went to school I knew more than the average 6th grader. This made school incredibly boring for me since kinder.


    What was the sample of the study?

    Where was the study taken?

    What makes the "Experts" being qualified as ones?

    Where is the socio-economical aspect of the study?

    Where is a follow up to adult life of people being taken care on nurseries vs people raised by SAHP?

    IMBO: Studies are worthless without a disclosure of the method taken to  make them.
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