
Day Trading Forex Trading Help

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I'm looking for an automated system that will help me make profitable forex day trading. I have no idea what something like this can cost. Just doing research so I guess any answer will be valued.




  1. There is a site at that offers an automated system and can be used for day trading.

  2. If you prefer to let a professional trade your account take a look


  3. I keep hearing people talking about the Forex Killer signal generator, so I thought I\'d give it a shot and see what happens. This review is based solely on my experience after reading Forex Killer. You don\'t have to necessarily agree with me but this is what happened to me...


  4. Here in Day Trading, positions are open and closed within the same day, and at the end of it no open position will remain for the next day. Day trading is intended for traders who wish to make a profit from the market's volatility within a short period, since the margin amount required for this kind of trade is relatively low. With the leverage that Finexo offers the traders, the small fluctuations of the market are greatly increased and so are the profits!

  5. i don't use auto trading .

    i use manually .by using my custom chart that i set .

    can trade Forex and NASDAQ ,OIL , GOLD, OTHER MORE TOO .

    U Can try on the demo account .( if u have a real account . U can have a long team of demo account too . )

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