
Day care franchises: are they lucrative?

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This is just an option, but I am looking into purchasing a day care. I do not want to open my own, I want to purchase a franchise from an accredited name. Have any of you ever owned one, or know/known someone who's opened one, and did the make money? I'm not looking to become a millionaire - I just want to make money to live on, and make enough to cover my investment.




  1. more work with least compensation

  2. I worked at a day care facility for a few months. I loved the kids but not all of the other workers were so inclined. Of course, the place made money, but if you don't have a good staff who really care about the kids, please don't even bother. These kids cried in the morning and waited all day for their families. Some kids were there nine hours a day every day. It broke my heart.

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