
Day in the life of a marine corps artillery member? (war time or peace)?

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i am a junior in high school planning on joining the corps after graduation. i would like to be an artillery cannoner but if it doesn't work out i would like to do something in the infantry. just want to know what life would be like as an artillery member




  1. To each his own. You will spend your time maintaining your piece, setting it up, tearing it down, packing it around and muling ammo. You'll fill thousands of sand bags and build pretty perimeters. You pack and unpack netting until you turn greener. In the end, you're still in the rear and the only place you will see your handiwork is on the range.  

  2. Lots of time cleaning your gun..Lots of time practicing your skills in the field..Lots of time in one place supporting infantry units.

    And what do you mean if it doesnt work out you want to do infantry? You cant be jumping from MOS to MOS..

    Here is what you will be doing during your live fire missions..So just picture this in every environment and this would be you during your field ops.

  3. At war, you would be very busy.

    When not deployed, you would spend your time either in the field, or sitting in a room staring at each other.

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