After a recent misunderstanding with a parent, I have decided to enforce an attendance policy in my home daycare. How does this sound? Anything I need to change?
Attendance Policy
Effective August 18, 2008
While I encourage all children to be here on the days they have reserved, I know this is not always possible. Therefore, I have decided to offer a reasonable number of "unpaid personal days" to be used at your discretion for sickness, family emergencies, and vacations.
Your child is allowed 15 personal days per year, for which you do not have to pay. Once your 15 days are used up, you will be charged full price for the days you have reserved whether your child is here or not – and regardless of the reason. Personal days will be replenished on August 1 of every year.
Additionally, if your child is gone more than two weeks straight, I reserve the right to offer his place to another child without notice.