
Daycare-Going for a Second Visit?

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I am sending my Daughter for Daycare for the first time Starting August 25th. She is in the Young 2's. She is 22 Months.

I have already "surprise visited" them and loved the center. My Daughter happened to be napping the whole time :-( and I didnt get to see her interact. At the end I decidied it was the best and enrolled her. Now I still would like to go back and have her interact in the classroom and ask a couple more questions prior to August 25th (when im nervous). I just feel dumb going back AGAIN after I have already done it???




  1. Nothing is dumb when it comes to your peace of mind. She is your child, and you have every right to be completely sure she will be receiving the best care possible. The daycare centers should fully accommodate  you. Good luck.  

  2. I have a home daycare and like to have the parent come first to chat and get to know each other and if s/he feels comfortable, I have them come back another time with the child.  You should definitely go back with your daughter and do a trial run!

  3. no since she was sleeping when you did it the first time

  4. Don't feel dumb at all!

    I would try to do it when your little one is okay, even though you loved the place your daughter may feel differently about it. Or once the staff interact with your daughter you may have a different opinion.

    I would go again and not worry at all.

  5. I just got done working at a very nice respectable daycare and I hated the way the kids in that age group were treated. They really didn't encourage them to use there brains or get any physical activies. We would help the kids fingerpaint and the parents would be happy with the result but 1 fingerpaint in the 6 hours they were there. I knew they must have been so bored. The older classes did a lot more. My tip would be to stay for the entire day. I know they would think your crazy but tell them you have heard some scarey things and want to watch what they do on a daily basis. Don't just look at there scedule it can be deceiving.  Visit as much as you want.  

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