
Daycare activities help???

by  |  earlier

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I just started working at a daycare and the theme that we are about to do is dinosaurs. Does anyone have any suggestions on cooking and art and other activities that would be appropriate for 4-5 year olds? Thanks, and if you know of any websites that i could go to that would help as well!




  1. when i was in the first grade we put on little plays where each kid would research a diffrent dino. you draw pictures of the type you chose. you can make up songs for them to sing about the dinos. and mabe you can get some sand and plastic dinosaurs that are at the $1.00 store and bury them and let the kids discover the dinosaurs. HAVE FUN!!!!!

  2. This has always been a favorite theme with kids, seems dinosaurs just don't go out of style. When I do this activity it spans several weeks as we really get into the different types of dinosaurs, don't try to do them all just the basic ones and focus on those, have some meat eaters and plant eaters. Go over them one at a time spending time reviewing some of thier most memorable facts. Keep a chart about the facts you learn and post somewhere where children can see, this way they will go up on thier own and discuss. Use lots of color and pictures to help remind them of what they are learning. Be creative. Get books from the library on dinosaurs both factual and pretend. Have children decorate the different dinosuars with collage material, make a bullentin board using cut outs and construction paper material that the children can help with, the more they are involved the more they will retain. Our best project was when me made paper mache' eggs over several days and when the kids left on Friday I told them the eggs were due to hatch on the weekend so on Monday when we went to check on our nest all the eggs had cracks in them as they children picked out thier eggs and helped the "crack" open inside they found a little plastic dinosaur, they were asked some questions about them and each answered a few facts, it was so exciting and very memorable.

      Other projects: dinosaur cookie cutters for playdough and cookie making, paint on dinosaur shaped paper, do collage material on dino shaped paper, have children pain a large piece of paper one color cut it out in shape of dinosaurs, make some plaster bones and bury in sand box, make dino masks,hats (keep it simple). Check out this website

  3. here are two websites. the perpetual preschool has 'day care' activities. the ECnews website are more challenging activities.

  4. baking  cookies   make  craft


    also at this site they have crafts, food ideas and worksheets. lots of stuff, like making dinosaur eggs and bones.

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