
Daycare and smoking?

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I have a home daycare business, and I smoke. I do not smoke in my home...ever, during business or not. I always wash my hands when I am finished. I do not leave the child to run around in the house while I outside. I wait until they are napping and that is the only time. how is this viewed by non smoking parents? I know I personally wouldnt care as long as it wasnt within a couple feet of my child outside or inside at all. Is this something that needs to be discussed or is this a matter of being my personal business?Am I lying if I forget to bring it up and they come early and see my outside before my shift? please help me understand this from a non smokers view. thank you




  1. Some kids and adults for that fact are allergic to cigarette smoke, (I happen to be one of the adults:( ) Yes I would defiantly tell the parents first off when taking on a child for care. Some children are very very allergic and it's scary how bad it gets for them. The parents do have the right to know that  you smoke, just for piece of mind if nothing else. And if you forget then as soon as you remember that you forgot I'd tell them. You don't have to quit smoking, just as long as you tel the parents that you smoke and explain that you step out while the child is napping and smoke and  that's it they should be ok with it.  

    My husband smokes, my mother,father and most of my family smokes I know how hard it is for you guys to go without the nicotine, it's stressful for everyone when you don't get the amount that your body is use to. I do not smoke, because like I said I'm allergic to it. I can stand it around me but if I breath it in I go into an asthma attack and it's pretty scary sometimes.

    But yes just tell the parents that you smoke and when and where you do it, that is a big thing right there. Most parents will be fine with it. I mean you can't even go to a restaurant now days with out being in a smoky room. So I hope that I did a  good job at helping you understand from a non smokers point of view.

  2. As far as I see it, you are doing everything by the book.

    You don't smoke around the kids. You only smoke outside when they nap. You always wash your hands when you are finished. What else are you to do? Cave in? I personally couldn't do all this. You are more committed than I would be.

    I would take all kids, if the parents have a problem, the h**l with them. What's the difference if you take only smoking parents, or if you tell non smoking parents and they bow out? I say tell them, and explain what you told us. If they still don't like it. Oh well. They missed out on an honest daycare provider.

  3. Because so many kids these days have asthma this is not something to keep to your self. From the time I was 8 up until I was 12 I was in the hospital at least once a month because of my dads smoking. He smoked out side as well. After a year he even stayed out side for over a half an hour but the smell had already permiated his cloths and that was what sent me to the hospital.

    Since asthma and allergies are so serious now a days you need to be completely honest. Because of that you are more likely to get more clients. But some will turn away. Especially if their child has asthma. Don't take it personally they are just being good parents and trying to keep their kids as safe as possible.

    PS I don't know if it would interest you but since cigerettes are so bad I'll mention it. Now they have these things to put on the end of the cigerette butt called a tar blocker. They reduce the amount of tar and nicoteen that your body gets so it makes it easier to quit. Just something to think about if you've ever tried in the past (since I know it's hard). My dad was threatened by the ER doctor before he even tried to quit.

  4. you should consider to stop smoking 4 your childs sake.. they might pick up the habbit later on in life. And you should probably try in slide it in the conversation 2 the parents but besides that it's not that big of a deal.

  5. Well, this is gonna sound sneaky but I don't care. I definitely wouldn't tell the parents that you are a smoker. BUT, I wouldn't smoke during the day until all the kids were gone home. I wouldn't even smoke in the morning before they came, in case they could smell it on you. I smoke occasionally myself, but I don't think I would feel comfortable putting my 2 kids in a daycare where the daycare person smokes. Even though you said you don't, I would be afraid they were sneaking out for smokes all day while the kids were inside. That's my opinion.
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