
Daycare issues?

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Can somebody advise me what I should do?




  1. 1) parent has the right to say what child eats and doesnt eat...if they are not listening and still give child fruit DESPITE it making him ill then that is child is neglect and physical abuse and you MSUT remind them of this! If in england call OFSTED ( if not then find your registering body and inspection people!

    2) pull up: this is hard because as a practitioner having a large number of children all needing attention it can be difficult if child is being toilet sometimes pull ups are easier HOWEVER it is again parent choice and they are going against a couple of our English rules on childcare. You must talk to them again about this and say you arent happy...otherwise dont bring pullups then they have no choice but to change him :)

    However it sounds to me like you may be best off pulling him out and possibly attending somewhere else, or just having him at home attending parent and toddler groups as such as if they are not caring for him in an appropriate manner it is risky sending him and you will not be able to relax either!

  2. How many times are you going to ask the same question?

    Pull your child out, the daycare sounds horrible!

  3. Find a new pre school, this director is very rude, careless and incompetent as your requests are perfectly reasonable and there is no reason you need to supply a doctor's note re fruit, your word is enough and she is just being a PITA.

  4. At the Center where I used to work, we were required to have a CACFP (Child and Adult Care Food Program) form signed by a doctor on file stating that the child had an allergy before we could substitute foods or we would be out of compliance and would not receive the subsidy money for our lower income families.  If you have it in writing from your doctor, they are required to comply.

    As far as the pull-ups issue, as a parent I would recommend that you inform the staff that you will no longer be bringing in the pull-ups, but will bring several changes of clothing (4 or 5 if necessary) to ensure toileting continuity.  Children who are mostly potty trained tend to rely on the safety net of the pull ups and once that crutch is removed, they generally adjust very quickly.

    If the director admits that they are over the state mandated teacher to child ratio, you should consider calling your local health department to report the issues.  The ratios are in place for the safety and well-being of the children as well as for safe and positive working environments for the staff.

    I am sorry to say that if a Director openly admits that ratio is being violated, it is entirely possible that there are more problems under the surface.  If at all possible, drop in unannounced at various times to check on the care your child is receiving.  

    If you are certain that you cannot change care providers, at least let the Staff and Director know that you are keeping a close eye on things.  Make sure you have a copy of the parent handbook and guidelines, and let them know that you clearly understand the policies they claim to follow.  You might just scare them into improving!

  5. I own a preschool in Ohio and you do not have to have  doctor signed slip to limit your child's diet - you simply have to have a health plan on file which is filled out by you and signed by you and the administrator.  This daycare seriously  needs to be reported and you seriously need to pull your child out before something serious happens.  there are other children there to consider as well - report them and let the authorities take care of the situation. If she over staff/child ratio, then everyone's well being is at stake.  and even if you only have a couple of months left, get your child out of there.
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